Interesting Articles 2024

Continuously blooming roses are the most beautiful varieties

Continuously blooming roses are groups of varieties of roses, the flowering period of which is as long as possible. As a rule, all of them are the result of the long work of professional breeders. There are varieties whose flowering is wavy in nature. There can be three or even four such waves per season. Another varietal segment includes flowers in which faded buds are replaced by new ones from spring to autumn, and it seems that the bush is constantly in bloom.

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How to feed hydrangea - fertilizers for growth and lush flowering in the garden

Hydrangea belongs to the Hydrangea family. Varietal variety is impressive: from 80 to 100 species are distinguished. One of the most unpretentious is panicled. It is worthwhile to figure out how to feed hydrangea so that it is not only healthy, but can bloom profusely. The importance of fertilizing in the care of hydrangeas Timely application of fertilizers to the soil has a beneficial effect on the growth of hydrangeas.

Wallot flowers - care and growing at home

Vallota is a subtropical plant belonging to the Amaryllis. It is well adapted to room conditions and, with good care, blooms beautifully and for a long time. Man has created a large number of plant varieties. Readers will be interested to know how the flower wallota blooms, how to care for it. Description of flower varieties The most common types of wallota are beautiful and purple.

What can be begonia diseases - how to fight

Begonia has been a favorite of all gardeners for many years. But flowering can only be achieved by observing the rules of care and cultivation. Failure to comply with agricultural standards most often leads to disease. Begonia diseases can have a very different nature of origin. Home begonia - how often it is sick Indoor begonia diseases often occur when pests are invaded or due to non-compliance with the growing conditions.

Metrosideros - fabulous flowers with a delicate aroma

Metrosideros is an amazing plant with pretty fluffy inflorescences. The numerous genus of vines, shrubs and trees belongs to the Myrtle family. Their homeland is Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand and other Pacific islands. Domestic florists are just eyeing the magnificent exotic, although the flowering metrosideros in the photo instantly prompts you to buy.

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Reproduction of primrose: basic methods and examples at home

Primroses are flowers that most gardeners like. There are about five hundred varieties of these plants. Each of them has individual characteristics of care and reproduction. Reproduction of primrose is possible in several ways. The article describes how to grow primrose in different ways. What does Primula have and what family it belongs to has a different name - primrose.

Maranta - care and reproduction at home, photo species

Photo Maranta - indoor perennials with variegated leaves of the Maranta family, a spectacular decoration for any room.Among the variety of cultures there are the most beloved gardeners. One of these plants is the arrowroot ("praying grass"). She is appreciated for its attractive appearance and unpretentiousness.

How to use barberry in landscaping: planting and care lessons

Species: barberry Flowering period: June, July Height: 30-300cm Color: yellow, green, red Perennial Wintering Sunloving Resistant to drought Quite often you can see decorative hedges and individual shrubs of barberry. The most suitable territories for growing plants are the Caucasus, Crimea, regions with a mild climate.

How fuchsia propagates at home

The earliest news of fuchsia occurred about 300 years ago. These flowers always made a magnificent impression on gardeners. Fuchsia has not lost its appeal over the years. In recent decades, many new varieties have appeared. This article will talk about the propagation of fuchsia by cuttings at home.

Field yurt - inconspicuous beauty and effective medicine

Field yarrow - grassy annual, which in many regions is a weed. She is also known by the names heurer, greedy grass, penny, klopnik, money bucket, sweet clover, love grass. Belongs to the Kapustovye family and prefers the steppe areas of the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere.

How to care for avocados - a plant at home

The first thing you need to know about avocados for those who are still tormented by the issue is the fruit. Avocado is a plant that rarely bears fruit at home. The fruit is grown from the bone, it feels great at home, if proper care is provided. When choosing a fruit to obtain a seed, it is better to give preference to the Hass variety.

Hydrangea Fraise Melba (Hydrangea Paniculata Fraise Melba) - description

Hydrangea Frize Melba is a popular culture in decorative gardening, valued for its unusual appearance and unpretentiousness for care. The plant adapts perfectly to various climatic conditions. It withstands frosts down to -30 ... 35 ° С. At temperatures below the set minimum, the bushes require additional agrofibre protection.

Verbena Buenos Aires (Bonar)

Verbena was first discovered in South America. It is a heat-loving plant, therefore, in Russia it is considered an annual. Most often used for decorative purposes. Verbena is considered the guardian of the hearth and financial well-being. Description of the plant The most popular is Argentinean verbena, or as it is also called Bonar, or Buenos Aires.

When dahlias bloom - care during this period

Dahlias are widely used to decorate gardens. Gardeners are attracted by the simplicity of growing, perenniality, relative cheapness, variety and beauty of flowers. This flower is quite unpretentious, it can be planted under trees, in partial shade. Originally from Mexico, the plant loves a warm and humid climate.

Aronia - ripening and harvesting time

Chokeberry (chokeberry) is cultivated throughout Russia. It has a hypotensive and anti-allergic effect, it is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract. It has a pleasant specific taste with hints of astringency, which is why it is widely used for homemade preparations, such as compotes, preserves, jellies, liquors and wine.

Fuchsia - home care, photo

Photo of flowers Fuchsia (Fuchsia) is an evergreen shrub, quickly reaching a size of 30 cm to one meter. Larger specimens are also found. The birthplace of fuchsia is Central and South America, in particular Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala. Oblong leaves with serrated tips.

Primula - home care, photo

Primrose is a herbaceous plant of the family Primrose (Primulaceae), whose homeland is China. The plant is widely cultivated in open ground and as a potted plant grown indoors. The species combines low (25-30 cm) plants with a compact rosette of whole wrinkled leaves covered with small villi.