
Decoration of a summer cottage with the help of decorative beans: simple and original!

Planting decorative curly beans and caring for it will not take much time, and bright flowers fragrance for a long time. The plant climbs to any supports, they can decorate the gazebo, the wall of the house, just hide any unsightly buildings. In many varieties, the fruits are even edible. Description and characteristics of the plant. Most often on our sites you can find decorative beans with purple and bright red flowers.

Hydrangea Anabel - tree species, description and care

Anabel is one of the most attractive varieties of tree hydrangea. The absence of difficulties in caring for the plant is an undoubted advantage. Anabel tolerates Siberian frosts, so the bush can be grown in any latitude. Origin and description of appearance China and Japan are considered the birthplace of the perennial.

Chlorosis of plants: types, symptoms, treatment

Chlorosis is an ailment accompanied by a sharp decrease in the activity of photosynthesis. Due to insufficient chlorophyll, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Bushes affected by this disease suffer from the death of the root system and drying out of the tops. The list of distinguishing features of the disease also includes small leaves.

Nerter: home care and basic varieties

Nerter belongs to the Marenov family. Mexico and South America are considered her homeland. This is a low creeping plant, with small rounded leaves and white flowers, which then turn into berries. It is also called coral moss. The main species Currently, there are about 12 species of Nerter.

How I planted carrots and onions in spring and why together

May 8th. It was raining, the earth warmed up. It is neither hot nor cold outside, about + 10 ... + 12 ° C. I decided to plant carrots and onions. Since we have a lot of vole and mole mice, I make joint landings. Rodents do not tolerate the smell of onions. From the land cooked, loosened and fertilized with humus from the autumn, I form beds.

Euphorbia flower: basic types and care at home

Another beautiful synonym, euphorbia (Euphorbia), has a beautiful name for euphorbia. Various sources indicate that from 800 to 2000 species belong to this genus. In horticultural culture, annual and perennial grasses and shrubs are cultivated. Common types of euphorbia flower The principle of selecting plants for growing in a garden or pot culture is ease of care, as well as adaptability to the country's climatic zones.

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