Flower ivy indoor variegated ordinary


Indoor plants are striking in a variety of shapes and colors. Domestic ivy refers to creeping shrubs. It is often used by landscape designers to create beautiful compositions.

What is ivy indoor

Some experts call ivy indoor heder, although in fact this is his second name. The plant belongs to the Araliaceae family. It is found in nature in Australia and other countries with a mild climate. In Russia, the plant can be found in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Vines grow rapidly and can braid the surface

Heder prefers deciduous and oak forests, as well as lowlands and foothills. In indoor conditions, various decorative varieties of ivy are bred. They differ not only in the shape of the leaves, but also in their color.

For your information! The Russian name for the heder comes from the word "spitting." The leaves had a bitter taste and were considered poisonous.

Botanical Description

In nature, ivy rarely spreads on the ground and usually grows on trees or on rocks. It is not picky about light and therefore easily tolerates shady places.

Important! Aerial roots allow you to stay on any support, and with their help the plant receives additional nutrients.

Vines can climb to a height of 30 m. The leaves are arranged on flexible stems mosaic. This design allows everyone to receive sunlight. Young specimens are distinguished by three-lobed leaves.

Variegated forms are white or yellow in color. In these veins, chlorophyll is additionally generated - an element that is important for the production of photosynthesis.

Popular types and varieties

Decorative ivies are very different. For example, Canarian, which is also called Algerian. Its homeland is Portugal and North Africa. The specimens grow rapidly, have strong stems with white-yellow leaves.

Canary ivy can grow on the ground and on a vertical support

This species has no aerial roots, so it needs to be fed, trimmed. Ivy is a plant that is not always attractive. Colchis prefers areas with a humid and warm climate.

The creeper has strong aerial roots, which allow it to easily climb to a height of 30 m. The leaves are dark green and very large. They can reach a length of 25 cm. This species is very picky about the soil.

Ivy Pastukhov is listed in the Red Book of Russia. Grows in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan. It does not attach to the rocks, but easily wraps around another support. Leaves reach a length of 10 cm, the tips are light green, and the middle is darker.

What does variegated ivy look like in a pot

Indoor varieties are not as large as garden ones. They can well decorate any room. The peculiarity of variegated forms in leaf color. They are decorated with yellow or white veins.

Important! Plain shoots, which are considered marriage, can sometimes grow. They are immediately removed.

At room conditions, decorative ivy grows well, but the shoots usually shorten to 30 cm. They can not be planted with other plants, since the headers will destroy them.

Does ivy bloom at home

In nature, the plant rarely blooms and only after reaching 10 years of age. The flowers smell disgustingly rotten meat and unattractive. After the poisonous fruits appear black or yellow.

In the garden, the inflorescences are immediately removed so that no one mistakenly ate them.

At home, ivy in pots bloom very rarely. Sometimes owners try to create conditions for obtaining attractive bunches of unusual berries.

Ivy Care at Home

It is not only an experienced person who can keep a header in a room. With the right approach, the plant will delight in the growth and bright leaves of anyone. It is necessary to ensure the correct watering, lighting and temperature conditions, after which the ivy ordinary room easily multiply.

How to care

Hedera Helix mix or ivy - home care

Creating the right conditions is not such a simple matter. The header can grow up to 2 m, so the stems are often pruned. Variegated varieties need more lighting than plain ones.

To make the shoots more comfortable to curl, they are placed on a special support. It can be in the form of a lattice or a column. Some gardeners create a small hedge of ivy. To do this, it is enough to make a lattice surface on the wall.

Good living conditions guarantee a beautiful view of the header. They are not so difficult to make, moreover, the plant easily tolerates errors and not large deviations. Therefore, ivy care is available for beginners.

Location selection, lighting and temperature

It is not necessary to put the pot on the windowsill. The plant can feel great in the back of the room. Ivy flower loves a bright diffused color, but can tolerate partial shade with a shadow. In summer, it needs shading from hot sunlight.

Important! Variegated forms need more light, otherwise they will lose their unusual color.

Indoor flower ivy in the warm season needs a temperature of 20 ° C, and in winter it should not fall below 12 ° C. Compliance with this regime will not only support the plant. Few people know how ivy blooms unusually. Compliance with dormancy helps to stimulate the flowering process.

The plant easily tolerates drafts and temperature changes, but do not neglect the conditions of detention. The header suffered small errors, but constant jumps can harm it.

The description of each species will help determine the characteristics of the plant. In summer, the plant needs abundant watering, and the ground should always be slightly moist.

Lack of moisture will immediately negatively affect the leaves

You need to take care of the flower pot regularly. In hot weather, it is worth spraying the leaves and pouring warm water in the shower. This is especially important during the operation of heating appliances. Dry air provokes the discharge of leaves.

Note! At home, ivy can be grown hydroponically. Heder transfers short-term drying of the soil, but not on an ongoing basis, otherwise it will begin to die.

Indoor plant ivy propagates easily. It is enough to cut the shoot and put the stalk in the water. It will quickly take root, and it can be planted in the ground. There is another option for reproduction - bends. To do this, choose a stem with aerial roots, cut it and bury it in the ground. You can lightly press the bracket.

The benefit of the header is that it cleans the air well. It needs to be transplanted once every 3 years. If the owner wants to stop the growth of the shoot, then it is enough to cut or pinch it.

Fertilizer and fertilizing

Ivy is a home flower that needs proper care. At room conditions it is difficult to provide nutritious soil, so it is better to use complex mineral fertilizer and preferably in the spring.

Hedera Helix - what an ivy plant looks like

Excess substances can be harmful to the plant. Therefore, you need to moderate use of any fertilizer. You can find a special remedy for ivy in a pot. It is suitable for all decorative and deciduous plants.

Important! Feeding is better from spring to autumn. Fertilize the fertilizer in accordance with the instructions.

Ivy flowers please only rare owners, and do not try to cause their appearance, as they are not particularly attractive. Header changes may signal problems. For example, the leaves begin to dry with a lack of moisture.

Indoor ivy can be a good gift instead of cut bouquets. To do this, it is enough to pack the pot beautifully and hand it to a person. In warm places it is used in the garden instead of grass. Heder beautifully braids hedges and walls.


Watch the video: How to Grow Plants & Flowers : How to Care for Ivy (October 2024).