Rosa Pastella - Description of an Abundantly Flowering Variety


Among the many varieties of roses there is a copy for every taste and for any garden. Especially attractive are flowers that are both beautiful and easy to care for. Rosa Pastella is one of those.

Rosa Pastella - what kind of variety is it?

Rosa Pastella is a representative of the floribunda group. It is bushy, compact, branched with light green dense foliage. The bush reaches 60 cm in height. The flowers are medium in size, cup-shaped, blooming with brushes of 4-8 flowers. Painted in cream colors, the middle is pale pink. There is a pink coating on the edges of the petals.

What does it look like

Color saturation depends on the weather. The color of the rose gradually changes: at first it is creamy, then it turns into pink tones, after which it turns white. Pastella rose has a pleasant, spicy smell.

For your information! For the first time, the Pastila rose (also called flower growers) was bred in Germany in 1998.

The main advantage of the rose is its long flowering: the bush will produce new buds throughout the summer.

The disadvantages include poor frost resistance.

The description of the variety says that Pastella rose is suitable for decorating borders, grown in rose gardens and solitaire plantings. To highlight blooming roses in the composition, they are always surrounded by green shrubs. Suitable for decorating the lawn.


Flower growing

Planting Pastella spend seedlings. Prior to planting, purchased bushes are protected from direct sunlight and monitor the level of humidity of the earth with the root system.

Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

They plant a rose in autumn or spring. When planted in the fall, it is sheltered for the winter, so that during the cold weather the root system gets stronger. But it is preferable to plant seedlings in the spring, in May.

Seat selection

The place is chosen sunny, well-ventilated. Rose feels great in the morning or evening sun, but a long stay in direct sunlight can provoke the appearance of burns.

Important! You can not plant a flower in the lowlands, because the cold air stagnates there, because of which the rose can become sick.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The soil should be fresh, not acidic and fertile. Black earth or loamy soil is well suited (it requires additional organic fertilizers). Clay and humus are added to the sandy soil. If the acidity is low, make manure or peat, if, conversely, high, add ash.

Additionally, fertile soil is applied during planting.

Important! A drainage layer is required. Crushed stone, gravel or small pebbles will do. Layer thickness not less than 10 cm.

Before planting a seedling, its roots are left in a clay solution for several minutes.

Landing procedure step by step

How to plant Pastella in open ground:


  1. Dig a hole: 60 cm in depth and diameter.
  2. Make a drainage layer at the bottom of the hole.
  3. Add fertilizer (compost or manure) with a layer of at least 10 cm.
  4. Cover the garden soil with a layer of at least 10 cm in the shape of a dome.
  5. At the prepared seedling, straighten the roots, lower them into the hole and gradually fill it with earth, simultaneously ramming lightly.
  6. Water the seedling.
  7. Mulch the soil. Peat is suitable for these purposes.

Important! The root neck should be underground after it is densified. If the soil sags after watering, you need to fill up.

Plant care

The flower is resistant to drought and does not require frequent and plentiful watering, but in extreme heat additional irrigation will be required. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Top dressing and soil quality

Rosa Princess Anne - description of the variety

For feeding, use nitrogen (in spring) and phosphorus or potassium (in summer). It promotes lush flowering.

Pruning and transplanting

Pruning is carried out several times a year. For the first time, the flower is cut in the spring, removing dead in the cold and broken stems. In the summer after flowering, faded buds are removed, thereby giving room for new ones. In autumn, diseased stems are removed and the overgrown bush is cut.

Note! By pruning, either abundant flowering or the desired shape of the bush is achieved.

Rose transplantation is carried out in spring or autumn (preferably in spring). Reasons may include:

  • unsuitable soil;
  • inappropriate neighbors;
  • bush overgrowth;
  • waterlogging of the soil.

If the bush needs a transplant, it begins to bloom worse, grow poorly, the flowers are smaller, and the leaves turn yellow.

Before replanting, the bush is watered abundantly. Then they dig it out with an earthen lump. To transfer to the right place, use tissue (periodically moisturizing it). Next, the soil in the new plot is fertilized, dig a hole and plant a bush in it.

Features of wintering a flower

Rose floribunda Pastella is considered not too hardy. They cover her before the onset of frost. The bush is pre-spud with earth. And then everything is covered with fir spruce branches. After that, the bushes are surrounded by a wire frame on which a non-woven material or polyethylene is attached.

Important! Shelter should be well ventilated so that the rose does not bark.


Flowering roses

Pastella blooms throughout the summer. During the period of activity, it should not be watered or fertilized much. After flowering, a dormant period begins. At this time, the growth of the bush stops. You can not water and fertilize it.

Care during and after flowering

Rosa Mainzer Fastnacht (Mainzer Fastnacht) - variety description

During flowering, you only need to monitor the drying buds and remove them in a timely manner, making room for new ones. If the summer was hot, additional watering is required.

Important! After flowering, all flowers are removed and excess stems are trimmed, even those that did not give buds.

What to do if it does not bloom

If the bush is not happy with the promised flowering, you should not blame everything on a bad seedling. There are other reasons for the lack of colors.

  • The old bush. Its stems become dry and wooden and are not able to deliver nutrients from the soil to the crown.
  • Young bush. In the first year of life in a permanent place, the rose has every right not to bloom. If this still happened, it is recommended to remove the primrose. You can leave a few in August, when the plant grows stronger.
  • Parasites and diseases. If available, expect lush flowers. Need bush treatment.
  • Inappropriate place. This refers to unsuitable soil, competitor neighbors that select nutrients, and strong drafts. You should look at the conditions, perhaps the flower needs a more suitable place.


Flower propagation

To preserve the varietal characteristics of the flower, pastel roses are propagated vegetatively or by cuttings. In general, roses can be propagated:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • by seeds;
  • budding.

Depending on the species, reproduction is carried out at a certain time:

  • cuttings - spring, autumn;
  • bends - spring, summer;
  • seeds are spring.

When cuttings are cut good, strong twigs. During spring propagation, they can be put into a container with a root-forming stimulant and, after the appearance of roots, planted in open ground. In autumn, cuttings are wrapped in peat and paper and stored in a cellar or refrigerator until spring.

When propagated by branches, the lateral stems are bent to the ground. Incisions are made in the middle of the stem. This part of the stem is placed in the hole, sprinkled with earth and watered.

Important! If the roots did not have time to strengthen before the fall, the branch must be covered for the winter.

Propagation of roses by seeds is a long and complex process. You must verify the quality of the goods, prepare the seeds for planting and plant in the spring in April. Germination is low: not even one bag of seeds is needed. In addition, roses grown in this way do not bloom for a long time.

When budding, the rose is grafted to the donor and it begins to use the root system of the stock.


Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Of the pests, a rose can attack:

  • aphid;
  • weevil;
  • spider mite;
  • saw cut saw.


For prevention in spring, the plant is treated with fungicides. Sick parts are removed from the affected bush, healthy ones are treated with iron vitriol or Bordeaux fluid.

Among the diseases, the appearance of:

  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • spotting;
  • gray rot.

Important! Symptoms of infection are manifested in spots on the leaves, their yellowing, twisting, stems and buds dry. For prevention, the bush is treated with fungicidal preparations.

Pastella is distinguished by its unusual color, which can decorate any garden. With timely, easy care, the rose will delight you with long, lush flowering and will become the pride of a flower garden.


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