Hydrangea Petiole or climbing, climbing vine


Petiole hydrangea is a weaving type of shrub, often used to decorate arches, building walls, front doors or pergolas. The plant has not only decorative flowers, but also leaves. The aroma of inflorescences is very similar to the smell of honey. Hydrangea is unpretentious and grows even in the most severe and adverse conditions. It’s easy to care for her, even a beginner will cope with the task. It is only important to learn the basic rules of agricultural technology and try to strictly observe them.

As soon as gardeners call a long-loved flower. Each locality has its own names for hydrangea petiolate curly. It has a long history of origin and a fairly wide distribution area.

Origin and appearance of hydrangea

Under natural conditions, petiole hydrangea is found in rarefied coniferous and deciduous forests of Japan, Korea and Sakhalin, located near the sea. As a cultivated garden plant, it began to be grown since 1865.

Petiole hydrangea

The leaf blades of this shrub are large, dark green, with a pointed base. With the onset of autumn, they become yellow, and closer to November they completely fall off. Climbing hydrangea takes any form, envelops objects around itself. However, she does not have a branching trunk. Landscape designers effectively use this feature, and also combine a flower with other plants on the site. The dense foliage of hydrangeas is able to create a shadow for the windows of the house, protecting them from the summer heat.

Flowers have a white, pale pink or pale purple color. They are collected in thyroid inflorescences with a diameter of about 20 cm. Due to the strong aroma, the plant attracts bees and is considered a honey plant. The flowering period lasts more than 2 months; it begins in mid-June.

Petiole hydrangea has long been grown in gardens

Popular types and varieties

Clerodendrum creeper - varieties and varieties

Despite the fact that curly hydrangea has been known to gardeners for a long time, not so many varieties are grown. Nevertheless, some breeders continue to work on the development of new interesting varieties and hybrids, replenishing the collection with beautiful flowers. Some of them have already managed to fall in love with flower growers.


This variety is most loved by landscape designers, since working with it is a pleasure. It provides an opportunity to translate the most daring ideas into reality. Liana grows to a height of 25 meters, gracefully spreads along the ground or braids trees.

The height of the variety Petiolaris reaches 25 m


This type of hydrangea is dwarf. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 1.5 m. A distinctive feature is that on the bottom side the leaf plate has a white-green color. Inflorescences have a delicate creamy color.

Cordifolia refers to dwarf varieties of petrel hydrangea


The variety is distinguished by a heart-shaped leaf plate, the edges of which are painted yellow. Even outside the flowering period, the bush looks decorative and is able to decorate with itself any part of the territory. With the help of subordinate roots, hydrangea climbs onto walls and fences, but such a fastening is very weak. It is recommended to install a grid for vertical weaving.

Pay attention! In Miranda, not only flowers, but also leaves have decorative qualities

Take & Chance

The description of the variety says that it differs from the counterparts by a white border around the edge of the sheet. It happens that the entire leaf plate acquires a whitish color, which gives the shrub additional decorative qualities. The plant looks spectacular on the site even during the period when there are no flowers on it.

Variety Take e Chance, even outside the flowering period, looks very beautiful

Winter Surprise

Hydrangea belongs to the undersized varieties. The height of an adult bush does not exceed 2 m. Flowers of a snow-white color, leaves are more often green, but depending on growing conditions, they acquire a red or cherry hue.

Winter Surprise will be a worthy decoration of any site

Silver lining

This variety is characterized by a delicate delicate aroma, decorative inflorescences and lush leaves with a beautiful white border. The maximum height of an adult bush reaches 7 m. It is well formed, so that the bush can be given various attractive forms. This hydrangea is also grown as a groundcover. She is able to curl around gratings and supports. The flower is an excellent honey plant.

Silver Lining with honey aroma attracts bees and is an excellent honey plant

Transplant after purchase in open ground

The best time to plant hydrangeas is autumn or spring, when the plant has no leaves. Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted at any time, subject to certain conditions.

What you need for landing

Serrated hydrangea - a description of the best varieties, planting and care

The petiole hydrangea does not like transplants, so the place for it should be chosen thoroughly. She completely braids the fences and trunks of trees, is able to climb walls, but she herself can not choose a support. It must be directed in the right direction, but in no case should it be tied. It is better to use wooden slats.

Attention! You can not choose a short-lived tree as a support (for example, an apple tree, maple, bird cherry, etc.).

Hydrangea looks good on a stone or brick wall, wooden surfaces that require periodic painting are not suitable for its cultivation. Also, the plant is used to decorate steep slopes, but in this case it will be extremely difficult to walk on them, especially after rain. The stalk densely envelops the earth and from moisture becomes slippery, which makes it difficult to move along the slope. If the idea came up to grow a shrub as a creeping species, then you need to keep in mind that in this case it is unlikely to please flowering. Its decorative qualities will be minimized.

Petiole hydrangea does not like bright lighting and direct sunlight

Optimal place

The decorative ornamental hydrangea planting and care in the open ground for which is not very difficult, is adapted to almost any climatic conditions. It is best to plant it near the house, as well as in the shade of trees. For growing shrubs, loose, well-drained soils rich in humus are ideal. Petiole hydrangea does not like sunny places open to winds and drafts.

Attention! Hydrangea cultivation requires acidic soil.

Due to the excess of sunlight, the inflorescences are smaller, the growth and development of the plant is significantly slowed down. Hydrangea is planted in the spring, when the earth has already warmed up enough, and the threat of night frost has passed.

Excess calcium in the soil negatively affects the growth and development of hydrangea

An important point is that there should not be an excess of calcium in the soil. To do this, make compost, leaf soil or horse peat. When planting a shrub in heavy soil, sand of a large fraction is added.

Attention! Before planting hydrangea in the soil, it is strictly forbidden to introduce ash and lime.

In order for the shrub to grow and develop normally, it is advisable to mulch the soil around it with needles, peat or compost.

Step-by-step landing process

The step-by-step process of planting a bush is as follows:

  1. To plant petiole hydrangea, they dig a hole with a diameter of 0.4 m and a depth of 0.5 m.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer is poured, which is used as broken brick, crushed stone, expanded clay, etc.
  3. A sapling is carefully placed directly on the drainage and the roots are straightened.
  4. The plant is filled up with the extracted soil, while deepening the root neck no more than 3 cm.
  5. They tamp the earth a little in the near-stem circle and pour 2 buckets of water there.
  6. After absorbing moisture, the soil around hydrangea is mulched to avoid excessive evaporation and weed growth.

The distance between adjacent plants should be at least 1 m.


There are several proven methods that allow you to efficiently propagate petiole hydrangea yourself at home. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.


White hydrangea - what are garden hydrangeas

Hydrangea reproduces well with petioles. To do this, you need to prepare the shoots with a length of 15 cm.

Attention! The shoots selected for propagation must have time to numb.

The method is effective if you use it in early summer. You need to select a shoot that has at least 2 nodes, and cut off the top from it, and then remove a couple of lower leaves from the stalk.

After this procedure, the stalk should be treated with a root stimulant and planted in a box with a mixture of sand and peat. The container should be covered with a film, periodically ventilate it and monitor the soil moisture. Shelter should be removed only when the seedling is already strong.

The easiest method of propagating hydrangea is rooting cuttings

Seed cultivation

To grow a full and healthy plant from seeds is not an easy task. It will be especially difficult for beginners. It is important to create such conditions that in the process of germination the hydrangea does not freeze. Small seeds are sown in plastic or wooden boxes filled with nutritious soil mixture. It should be moistened first. After sowing, the container is covered with glass.

Boxes with seedlings are set in a warm place with a temperature of + 18-23 ° C. Further care consists in timely watering, maintaining the desired temperature and regulating air humidity. After 1.5 months, the first shoots appear.

Attention! Germinal hydrangea shoots do not appear simultaneously.

In April, when cotyledon leaves appear on seedlings, seedlings are picked. You can transfer the procedure to May, when the street will be warm and sunny. You should know that the planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out only after 2 years.

When grown from seeds, hydrangea seedlings are planted in open ground not earlier than after 2 years


Caring for petiole hydrangea is not very difficult, but has its own characteristics. If they are not taken into account, then the owner may not wait for lush flowering and decorative qualities from the bush.

Watering mode

Ornamental creeping hydrangea is a water-loving plant, therefore, it requires mandatory regular watering. Under each bush, 30-50 liters of water are poured.

Attention! Irrigation water is used exclusively warm and settled.

If the street is warm and dry, the bush is irrigated 2 times a week. In rainy conditions, once a week is enough. The same applies to plants, the parabolic circle of which was previously mulled. The moisture from under them evaporates slowly, so you should not irrigate them so often.

The petiole type of hydrangea needs to be fed several times a year. The first time the procedure is carried out in early spring, when the bush is just beginning to wake up and start growing. Apply the following fertilizer composition:

  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • sulfuric potassium.

A mixture of these components is dissolved in water and watered with a shrub. The next time hydrangea is fed during the formation of buds. This time do without urea. At the end of summer, 15 kg of rotted manure or compost are poured under each plant.

To give strength to the shoots of hydrangea, it is recommended to water it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For the young vines

Young hydrangeas need not only watering and top dressing, but also molding. Otherwise, the shrub will look untidy and groomed. The procedure is planned for early spring. Leave from 6 to 10 of the strongest shoots, the rest are removed. Annual branches are shortened so that they left 5 pairs of buds. In autumn, all dry inflorescences are removed.

Winter preparations

Garden liana hydrangea has such a valuable characteristic as increased winter hardiness, and is able to winter in the open ground even in the harsh climate of Siberia. Only young vines up to the age of three need shelter, since they can freeze if there is an abnormal frost.

Hydrangea can be grown as a groundcover.


Young twigs are carefully laid on the boards and covered with spruce branches, fallen leaves or fir branches. Non-woven fabric is also suitable. This procedure is especially important for those gardeners whose sites are located in the northern regions, as well as in the suburbs.



Watch the video: Four simple ways to propagate popular indoor plants (October 2024).