Why daylily does not bloom and grows poorly


Daylilies are loved for their beauty, both flowering and lush greenery. But sometimes you have to admire only the foliage, and not waiting for the beautiful flowers. There are many reasons for this flower behavior. This may occur due to improper landing. Timely and lush flowering also depends on proper care in the process of plant development, its protection from diseases and pests. To determine why daylily does not bloom, you should check all possible causes.

Incorrect landing time

Daylily bush can be planted from the beginning of spring until mid-autumn. Important features of planting in different periods of the year:

  • Due to planting in early spring, a large increase in green mass can occur. The bush will be busy building greenery and will shift the buds to the next summer. Often, such bushes bloom two years after planting.
  • When landing in the summer, you need to pay attention to the weather. If it is hot and dry, the bushes will dry. To correct the situation, you need to shade the young plant from the scorching rays and regularly water it.
  • In autumn, the flower must be planted before the rainy season, as the daylily roots are prone to putrefactive diseases. Too late planting will not give time for root growth, and the plant will die.

Daylily in the garden looks spectacular

The optimal landing time for each region is different. For central Russia, this is mid-October. For a month, one and a half before the first frosts, the bush manages to take root and grow stronger. He does not need to spend energy on the growth of green mass, since the plant is preparing for a period of rest.

Can daylilies planted recently bloom? A seedling purchased in the same climatic zone, where it will grow further, will be accepted faster and without difficulties. Such daylilies can bloom in the year of planting only under conditions of proper care. If the bush is overseas or the care is wrong, the adaptation will last 1-2 years.

Daylily seedling

Too deep landing

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Often after planting, the question arises of why daylily does not grow. Perhaps he is too deep set. In this case, it grows poorly and does not throw buds at all. A plant can bloom only after its root neck rises closer to the surface.

Important! When planting and transplanting daylily, the optimal depth for the root neck is 2 cm.

Wrong watering

At the surface roots of daylily there is no way to take moisture hidden in the depths of the soil. In this regard, for the plant, it is necessary to maintain a wet regime:

  • A spring charge of moisture will be the impetus for active growth and the release of buds.
  • In the summer, watering saves from the heat.
  • In the fall, watering is reduced, as this can provoke rotting of the roots.
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Watering should be regular, up to 4 times a week. How much water to pour under the bush depends on its size and weather conditions.

Important! Watering for daylilies is more important than top dressing and lighting.

Oversupply or lack of fertilizer

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Fertilizer supports the growth and flowering of daylily. Since the beginning of spring, many gardeners have been feeding the plant nitrogen fertilizers. For daylily, this procedure should be done very carefully. The bush can switch to the mode of active growth of green mass, which will become the reason why daylily has not bloomed.

When a plant throws buds, phosphorus and potassium should predominate in its complementary foods. These minerals provide it with nutrition and make the lily color more saturated.

Balance in complementary foods supports flowering and growth.

Not enough space

Under favorable growth conditions, the culture grows very quickly. Five years later, a flowerbed with a radius of 1 meter grows in place of a young seedling. The root system is superficial and dense. Daylily captures with its fleshy roots all the space underneath. Due to the density of roots and lack of nutrition, an adult plant begins to bloom poorly, and when the daylily blooms, its buds are small and the petals are thin. Over time, it may stop flowering altogether.

Important! Every five years, gardeners recommend thinning daylily bushes, planting young shoots from it.

Lack of sun

The reason why daylily does not grow can be a shadow. When choosing a place in the garden, it is important to consider that daylily will not bloom if:

  • It is planted in the shade of trees or tall bushes.
  • The flower bed is located next to buildings or fences.
  • Landing was under sheds or vineyards.

Lighting for daylily is important from the beginning of its awakening until the colds. So that the sun's rays do not burn the plant in the midst of the summer heat, during this period, the bush must be watered after sunset.

Diseases and Pests

Daylily is practically not attacked by pests. Improper care provokes the appearance of diseases or parasites on an exotic bush.

Fungal foliage

In terms of health, the main weak point of the plant is its roots. The fleshy thick roots of daylilies collect a lot of moisture inside themselves. Its excess quickly leads to rotting of the root mass. As a result, root rot or soft root rot rot may appear.

Fungal diseases usually affect the green part of the plant. The leaves begin to turn yellow at the tips, and over time, the process covers the entire leaf plate. Sometimes spots or streaks of yellow-brown color appear on the foliage. The only way out is to remove all the damaged foliage.

Additional Information. Against fungal diseases, it is advisable to carry out prophylaxis every spring. Special preparations will help to keep the bush decorative.

To parasites that can settle on a flower include:

  • aphid;
  • thrips;
  • spider mite.

The most effective method of dealing with them is preventative treatment. It is important to do this regularly and as instructed.

Fleshy roots and stems attract slugs and snails to the bush, and bronzovik beetles and beetles eat sweet inflorescences during the growing season. Gardeners fight these pests in folk ways, treating bushes with infusion of garlic, mustard or hot pepper.

Plant Resuscitation

Why daylily does not bloom, what to do and how to help it quickly? Regular examinations and monitoring of the flower help to notice the onset of a fungal infection or root decay in time. It is important to monitor the reaction of the shrub after fertilizing, watering and transplanting. Once the cause of the problem has been identified, plant care should be restored to normal as soon as possible.

Daylily resuscitation, depending on the reasons:

  • Before planting, it is important to find out the best period for planting a young seedling. In mid-autumn, a young seedling should not be flooded with lingering rains or frostbitten with the first frosts. For the winter, such an escape is better to mulch.
  • If an error in planting daylilies was discovered the following year, in the spring the young seedling looks very weak. It is necessary to strengthen care for it: remove weeds on time, treat them from diseases and pests, properly water and carefully apply fertilizers. In order for the plant to take root well in a new place, it can be fertilized with solutions to build up the root system. The reanimated bush will bloom no earlier than in two seasons.

Care and maintenance pays off in full - bright and long flowering

  • An over-buried landing is easy to check by digging out the root neck. If the daylily has gone deep into the ground, a seedling needs to be transplanted.
  • Improper irrigation is important to adjust as soon as possible until the plant has died. You need to observe the young bush, as the irrigation scheme depends on the type of soil, the size of the shrub and weather conditions.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers are better to underfill than to overfill. If the buds did not appear on time, you need to transplant the plant into a new substrate. Otherwise, the bush will ramp up the green mass without ever releasing a single flower. Phosphate-potassium fertilizers can cause the plant to throw buds.
  • If the daylily grows too densely, thinning of the bush should be performed. When young shoots are planted elsewhere, the mother bush needs to renew nutrition by replacing the soil layer.
  • In the absence of flowering due to the shade, it will be necessary to transplant the bush to a more sunny place.
  • In the fight against diseases and pests, the ideal solution is preventive treatment every spring and mid-season.

Daylily rarely shows its "character" in terms of flowering. If it does not bloom, then the reason is really serious. To find out what’s the matter when the daylily grows poorly, it’s better before planting it, having studied the growth conditions of the culture. This will help get rid of many problems and hassle in caring for a flower.


Watch the video: What daylilies bloom all summer? (October 2024).