How does dracaena bloom - what types, proper care


Dracaena is a compact palm-like tree with narrow leaves blooming in a fountain from the top of a thickened stem. A pretty unpretentious plant, which is so often found in offices and apartments, fits universally into the interior, but few people saw how dracaena blooms.

A tropical guest needs a humid, hot climate to form buds. Flowering occurs 1 time in 5-10 years. It is thanks to peace and stability that such greens are chosen for decorating workspaces, but you need to know several features of the flower in order to create a safe and cozy environment for it.

Fragrant dracaena flowers give a sense of spring

What varieties of dracaena bloom

Not all dracaena are capable of producing flowers. Infertile plants are considered safe and optimal for maintenance in residential and public buildings. However, there are several varieties that give lush, pleasant-looking flowers. As a rule, they look like conical candles or panicles, where many small flowers are gathered in a common bouquet. The shade of dracaena flowers varies from white and pale cream to pinkish-brown nodules.

Contrast red buds look beautiful against the background of delicate colorful foliage

Another important feature is the pronounced aroma of buds.

Important! Many sorts of saplings are toxic; inhaling fumes of its juice with pollen is dangerous.

This can cause not only allergies and dizziness, but also poisoning. Some varieties have a pungent unpleasant odor, similar to fresh organic debris and sugary pollen. Others have a pleasant floral bouquet combining notes of fruit, ether and grassy shades.

In the genus of dracaena, there are more than 100 varieties, among which only 4 types can bloom in an unusual environment, for example, in the middle latitudes of Russia:

  • Dracaena Godseffiana is a low bush with rather wide and sprawling oval leaves, including cream patches. Such a subspecies blooms yellowish flowers with a pleasant flora.
  • Dracaena Fragrans is a fragrant variety that blooms more often than others in indoor conditions. The tree grows up to 2 m, which is noteworthy - it branches after flowering. This is a frost-resistant type, not afraid of temperatures up to -10 ° C.
  • Dracaena Marginata or Bordered is an interesting species with a ringed trunk and thin leaves underlined with a purple edging. The Marginata plant has faded, foul-smelling flowers, so flowering should be avoided.
  • Dracaena Deremensis or the Derema variety is another dangerous caustic type giving red buds. Flowering is very rare. An exception for this species was the palm of Varneski, which produces fluffy white panicles with a pleasant aroma.

On a note! Dracaena opens its flowers and dissolves a bright aroma only at night, during the day the flowers close in tight nodules. This does not allow aggressive insects to harm the plant.

Dracaena flower - what brings to the house, how to care for the plant

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A palm tree is considered a room nurse, sorbing harmful substances and purifying the air. This effect is produced by the leaves of the plant during the dormant period, but the flowers can exude compounds poisonous to humans and animals, so during the flowering period it is better to take the tub with dracaena to the balcony or veranda.

The symbolically compact and slender home palm of dracaena is a charm of happiness and stability, a harmonious calm atmosphere. It helps to concentrate, less tired or relax after a hard day. Therefore, the plant is installed as a kind of filter and a pleasant decor in office, public buildings and at home. It fits perfectly into the green corner with succulents, hanging flowers and all kinds of lush plants.

Dracaena - flowering, as often happens

Dracaena - types of Marginata, Deremskaya, Fragrans, Massangeana

Dracaena, like many tropical plants, blooms very rarely: once every 5-8 years. At home, in the absence of special care, even a flowering variety may never bring buds. In the natural environment, already at 3-5 years of life, the dracaena begins to bloom and grow rapidly.

In good home conditions, a palm tree can produce flowers every 4 years, but even such a process requires long-term ripening. Flower-bearing buds are laid and develop for a very long time - during the year.

Catch blooming dracaena - akin to finding a happy clover

A feature of some varieties of dracaena tree is the circular falling of flowers. During its heyday (which usually lasts about a month, but may depend on the maturity and strength of the specimen), the plant constantly releases and discards updated buds, and this may be accompanied by the release of sticky fragrant nectar.

Flowering conditions of dracaena

Dracaena - breeding at home

If the owners are convinced that their plant species is harmless, you can create special conditions so that the dracaena blooms at home. A tropical tree loves heat and high humidity, therefore, gardeners recommend in the summer to take out the flower on the balcony and speed up watering, preventing the earth in the pot from drying out. It is important to cover the leaves of the plant from direct ultraviolet rays, otherwise the sun may scorch the leaves, which will lead to their death.

Note! For full flowering palm tree needs the space characteristic of tropical forests. If the tree is contained in a greenhouse or a room with ceilings of 2.5-3 m - the chances of waiting for flowers increase.

Dracaena blooms better in the southern regions or zones with a variable climate, where the average temperature in the summer is at least a month in the region of +30 ° ะก. For comfort, the flower needs a temperature regime of + 26 ... +35 ° C, constant hydration of the foliage and slight shading.

The tree needs a regular warm (but not hot) shower, which will saturate and clean the leaves of dust, which means accelerate photosynthesis. For a good supply of the root system, it is better to place a tub with a palm tree in a pallet filled with pebbles or other drainage.

Important! To provoke the flowering of poisonous dracaena at home is not worth it. In addition to the poisonous properties, florists note that the exuded odor does not disappear from the premises for a long time even after a flowering period.

How often to water when flowering

Unlike many other indoor plants, dracaena is very fond of watering. Thanks to a sufficient amount of moisture, its trunk strengthens and spiky leaves grow. The plant should be periodically watered under the root and often sprinkle the greens with warm water at a temperature of 22-30 ° C.

Dracaena does not require specific care, but does not tolerate drought

To dracaena bloomed and did not lose flowers ahead of time, you need to maintain intensive watering. The earth in the pot should not dry out, but the plant should not be poured, otherwise it will become sick. It is best to do drainage.

Important! The flowering of dracaena at home is greatly affected by the quality of the water. Tap water enriched with fluorine and other heavy impurities can cause plant disease and lack of flowering. Ideally, it is worth using filtered soft water both for spraying foliage and for saturating the roots.

Other nuances of care

It is generally accepted that dracaena is a palm tree, although sometimes the flower grows in the form of a squat bush with spreading foliage. Narrow tender leaves are best treated with a spray gun to wash off the dust and water the plant. More juicy thick leaves can be wiped with a soft damp cloth, this will mechanically remove the potential threat - pathogens of phyto-diseases.

In addition to regular water procedures, the flower needs a constant climate, it should be protected from drafts, periodically ventilate the room, and during flowering - more often than usual.

On a note! Florists recommend propagation if the dracaena has blossomed. It is believed that such a bush will bring good luck. A transplant is advised to be done on the full moon. It is customary to give the cuttings of blooming dracaena to relatives.

If the palm began to develop poorly, it is worth pruning the plant: in the place of the cut, several shoots can grow the cut. The resulting stalk can be rooted in a sand-peat nutrient mixture (1: 1). After circumcision, the exposed area must be treated with powdered charcoal in order to avoid infection of the plant.

Blooming open-air dracaens fascinate


The home palm of dracaena in all its varieties is a pleasant companion in any room. And if you manage to find the period of its flowering, a delicate aroma with linden-honey and jasmine shades will give a real sense of celebration and tropical paradise.


Watch the video: All you need to know about Dracaena - Dragon plant Most varieties (October 2024).