Hydrangea Schloss Wackerbarth - description, planting and care


One of the most popular plants grown in the country, can be called hydrangea. This shrub has many advantages - it is easy to care for, the plant grows rapidly and blooms profusely after planting.

Description of the hydrangea Schloss Wackerbart variety and its characteristics

Before acquiring a hydrangea shrub sapling (lat. Hydrangea), it is necessary to study the characteristics and description so as not to regret the choice of variety in the future.

Hydrangea Schloss Wackerbarth

History of occurrence

The Schloss Wacketbart variety was recently bred - in 2014.

Grade Features

The shrub grows to a height of 1.3 m in height. The diameter of the crown reaches 1.2 m. The foliage is large, light green in color. This variety is distinguished by unusual flowering. Inflorescences are collected from a large number of small flowers, the shape is spherical. Lime color petal tips. The middle of the petal is crimson, and the center is purple. The higher the acidity of the soil, the more saturated are the inflorescences.

Variety flowers are distinguished by unusual coloring.

Winter hardiness

The shrub is frost resistant. It can withstand temperature drops of -18 degrees.

Landing and further care

Planting and caring for hydrangea large-leaf Schloss Wackerbarth is not difficult.

Site selection and preparation

Hydrangea Unic - Landing and Care

Hydrangea Schloss Wackerbarth prefers to grow in open areas under the sun. It is advisable that the place be closed from cold drafts. The soil on the site should be well-drained and breathable.

Additional Information! Hydrangea is best planted in areas with a high level of acidity. So the inflorescences will have a more saturated hue.

Before planting, the soil is dug up and all growing weeds are pulled out of it. Then, either complex mineral fertilizers or organic matter (for example, wood ash, compost or rotted cow manure) are introduced.

It is better to plant a flower in open sunny places

How to plant

Initially, the seedlings of the plant should be soaked for several hours in the stimulator of the root system.

Description of planting hydrangea Schloss Wackerbarth:

  1. Dig a hole up to 1 m deep and about 80-90 cm wide.
  2. At the bottom, pour a layer of crushed brick.
  3. Place the seedling in a hole and bury it.
  4. Pour plenty of warm water into the well.

Watering and feeding

Hydrangea Wakerbat Castle prefers moderate watering. Soil begins to irrigate in the early spring after the snow melts and the soil warms up. As a rule, the bush is watered every day until the fall, especially if the heat is long in the summer. Watering is carried out as the soil dries.

In the first half of the season, the plant is fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. During the formation of buds, phosphorus and potassium are necessarily added to the soil. Organic growth favorably affects growth.

On a note! It is useful to water the bush with a solution of bird droppings, make humus and sprinkle soil and foliage with wood ash.


Every year you need to trim thin weak hydrangea branches growing in the depths of the crown. Also, dried branches are necessarily removed. To make the crown look better, branches that are stretched out very much can be cut. After this, the side shoots will begin to grow, and the flower will look more bushy.

Shrub pruning

Winter preparations

Hydrangea Wackerbarth Castle may well winter without shelter. But just in case, it’s better to take care of this. Procedure:

  1. Dig the soil around the bush to a depth of 10 cm.
  2. Cover the surface of the soil with mulch.
  3. The bush itself wrap agrofibre.


Of all the methods of propagation of large-leaved hydrangea, the most common are planting with cuttings and dividing the bush.

Hydrangea Strong Anabel - description, planting and care

The easiest way to propagate the plant is by dividing the rhizome. For this we need adult, well-grown bushes. They dig a shrub and divide the rhizome into parts. After this, you can begin to land.

The second method is cuttings. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Choose strong shoots, cut from them cuttings with a length of 15-20 cm. Each handle should have several large buds.
  • Cut the bottom of the handle at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Put the blanks in a growth stimulator (Kornevin) for 1-2 hours.
  • Prepare the substrate. You can use the purchased soil mixture or make it yourself from peat, sand and sheet land.
  • Place the cuttings in the soil, water abundantly and cover with a glass cap.

After a few weeks, roots will begin to form. Planting cuttings in open ground is better after a year, when they grow and get stronger.

Additional Information. Hydrangea can also be propagated by layering. For this method, you need to dig a small long hole near the shrub and bend the lower branch to the ground. Then sprinkle it with earth and fix it. Next year in the spring, sprouts will appear from the buds on the layering. In the fall, they will grow, and it will be possible to divide the layering into parts in order to plant the seedlings separately.

Diseases and pests, ways to combat them

Hydrangea Red Angel - description, planting and care

The most common hydrangea diseases include:

  • chlorosis (leaves turn yellow);
  • gray rot (a gray coating appears on the leaf plate);
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • crayfish.

With chlorosis, you need to soften the water for irrigation by adding citric acid or vinegar to it. It is also necessary to limit the introduction of mineral dressings.

Hydrangea chlorosis

With gray rot, you first need to trim the damaged areas, then treat the flower with potassium permanganate. Treatment with Bordeaux fluid helps. From powdery mildew, spraying with Fitosporin B and Topaz helps. Pre-damaged areas of foliage are cut off.

Rust can be treated with Topaz and Falcon fungicides.

Important! There is no cure for cancer. In this case, the bush will have to be dug up and burned.

Of the pests on the bush you can see aphids, spider mites, gall nematodes and slugs. Deeper will have to be removed manually. Most often they appear on young bushes. From other pests, spraying with fungicides helps. For example, Lightning, Acarin, Spark and Bison are effective. Watering the leaves with soapy water can help with aphids if the pest population is still small.

Use in landscape design

All varieties of hydrangeas are well combined in group plantings with any other crops. The plant can be planted as a hedge.

Shrub in the landscape


Growing hydrangea in the garden is a pleasure. It is impossible to take your eyes off looking at the beauty of flowering shrubs. In addition, he is also not capricious in leaving.


Watch the video: Hydrangea macrophylla Forever&Ever White 2016г. (October 2024).