Geranium seeds - how they look and how to sow them for seedlings


Geranium is found in almost all countries of the world. The plant belongs to the Geranium family and has many subspecies. With proper care, you can achieve year-round flowering. Flowers can have a variety of shades: white, pink, red. Recently, two-color representatives of the species have appeared on the market.

Pros and cons of propagating geranium seed way

This method of reproduction has one significant minus. Planting by seed does not guarantee the preservation of the parental qualities of geraniums, making it almost impossible to achieve the transmission of varietal characters.

Blooming geranium

But there are also advantages of propagating geranium seeds:

  • simplicity and lightness;
  • seed has a long shelf life;
  • seeds collected personally will not be infected with diseases;
  • sowing is carried out in late winter or early spring (by mid-summer the plant will begin to bloom).

What do geranium seeds look like?

Lavender seeds - what the seedlings look like

Before sowing geraniums, a careful selection of seed material is carried out. What do geranium seeds look like? They should be painted brown, have an elongated oval shape with internal side hollows. The matte-colored shell is dense and resembles skin in appearance. The size of the seeds depends on the variety, but they are all large.

Geranium seeds

It is important to carefully select pelargonium seeds. Deformed and small elements are removed immediately, they are unsuitable for planting.

How to get and collect seed

Propagation of geraniums at home, when planted, so that it blooms in summer

For self-collection of planting material, preliminary pollination of the flower is carried out. Using a brush, pollen is moved from one flower to another. After flowering, a seed box will form on the plant. When it is completely dry, immediately begin to extract planting material.

Seed box

On a note! Reproduction using seeds is used for simple species. Ampel, royal, terry and tulip-like varieties cannot be grown in this way.

Rules for choosing purchased seeds

Why do geraniums turn red leaves - causes and treatment

Geranium seeds are purchased only from trusted manufacturers. After opening, carefully inspect the planting material. It should be dry, uniformly colored. There should be no damage or signs of disease on the seeds.

Well-known seed producers

Important know! Before buying, you should read the instructions on the back of the package and the expiration date.

The best time for sowing

The choice of landing time is determined by the duration of daylight hours. The best period is the end of winter. Some gardeners easily carry out the procedure year-round. To do this, organize additional lighting.

Preparation for the procedure

Before sowing seeds to be processed. It allows not only to improve germination, but also to disinfect planting material. To do this, it is soaked for 30 minutes in Zircon or Epin. After treatment with the composition, the seeds are dipped in warm water for 2-3 hours.

Capacity selection

For seedlings use individual or joint containers. Apply plastic containers or pots. In recent years, peat cups have been very popular.

Soil preparation

The substrate can be purchased at the flower center or prepared independently. When buying finished soil, there is a high probability of non-compliance with the proportions of nutrients. In this case, the first sprouts will appear later and will not grow large. Blooming geranium on such a land would be bad.

Florists are advised to prepare the soil mixture on their own (in a ratio of 1: 1: 2) from:

  • peat soil;
  • sifted river sand;
  • turf.

Note! To protect against infections, the prepared mixture is baked in the oven or spilled with boiling water. Indoor plants are often disinfected with fungicidal agents.

Scarification, disinfection and soaking of pelargonium seeds

Before you grow geranium from seeds at home, pre-prepare planting material. Partial removal of the membrane accelerates the germination process. In order not to damage the seed, the procedure is performed using sandpaper. Only the top layer is removed with it.

For disinfection use a weak solution of manganese or hydrogen peroxide. After disinfection, soaking is carried out in water at room temperature. Two hours are enough for swelling of planting material.

How to sow pelargonium seeds at home for seedlings

Pelargonium from seeds can be grown in any shallow container. Suitable for this:

  • plastic containers;
  • peat cups or tablets;
  • toilet paper.

Planting with seeds and home care for pelargonium is performed in strict accordance with the step-by-step instructions.

In containers

You can sow geranium at home in special trays. The depth of the container should not exceed 3-4 cm. Prepared trays are filled with soil and watered with warm water. The temperature of the earth should be at least +20 ℃. Seeds are sown at a distance of 2 cm from each other.

Additional Information! It is not recommended to deepen the planting material.

Sowing in plastic containers

Plant the seeds in shallow pits and sprinkle on top a little with the same substrate. Watering after planting is a must. It is recommended to create conditions close to greenhouse conditions, that is, to cover with a film or transparent glass.

In peat tablets

Pelargonium cultivation from seeds is permissible to perform in a peat mixture. Peat tablets are excellent for this. They are watered in advance. Sowing is carried out in shallow holes, plantings are covered with polyethylene or glass. For this method, it is important to carry out daily ventilation and spraying.

The use of peat tablets

Important know! Peat tablets should be chosen according to the level of acidity.

Using toilet paper

Germinating seed on toilet paper is considered one of the easiest and most effective ways. Pre-treated seeds are laid on wetted paper in a container and covered with a lid. When the first sprouts appear, seedlings are most carefully transplanted into the ground.

Sprouting on toilet paper

How to care for geranium seedlings

A properly carried out landing procedure is part of a good result. It is necessary to grow seedlings in favorable conditions. Geraniums need timely watering, the correct temperature and good nutrition.

First shoots


The amount and frequency of watering directly depends on the time of year. In hot summers, hydration is carried out every 3 days. In winter - 1 time per week. The bottom of the tank is laid with a thick layer of drainage. The plant categorically does not tolerate an excess of moisture. Watering is carried out only when the topsoil is dried.

Top dressing

The first feeding is carried out only 14 days after the dive. At this stage, the plant requires potassium and phosphorus. Agricola and Effekton are well suited for these purposes. Fertilizing in the soil is carried out in the period from March to October. Frequency - 1 time in 20 days.

On a note! In winter, any feeding is suspended.

External factors

Before growing geranium from seeds, it is important to create the right climatic conditions for it. The flower grows only in well-lit places. But, as with other indoor species, direct sunlight should be avoided. Daylight hours for pelargonium should be at least 15-16 hours. In summer, the plant is taken out to fresh air.

Due to the fact that the leaves of geraniums are covered with a special protective layer, it is categorically not recommended to spray the species. Any moisture on the stem and leaves may cause rot on the flower.

The flower painfully tolerates temperature changes. For young shoots - this is unacceptable. The optimum air temperature is 20-22 degrees above zero, the minimum is +7 ℃.


After the appearance of the first sprouts, picking and transplanting seedlings into individual containers is carried out. Deepening should be 2-3 cm. Young flowers are transplanted into small and shallow containers.

View pick


Pinching geranium is recommended at the level of 6-8 leaf. Adult species are pruned in spring and autumn. Timely pruning of weak and damaged shoots will allow you to get an unusually beautiful plant, which for a long time will please lush flowering.

On a note! Nailing should not be carried out during the formation of buds and during flowering.

When to change to a permanent place

Transplantation of strong sprouts is carried out in late spring. 1-2 days before transplanting, the substrate is moistened so as not to damage the root system and plant a maximally healthy plant in a permanent place. In open ground, the distance between plantings is at least 20-25 cm.

In the home, you can grow almost any, even exotic flower, from the seeds. For some species, the seed planting procedure is a series of complex activities. Geranium, in turn, is easy enough to sow and achieve a positive result. It is important not only to choose high-quality planting material, but also to observe all the rules for caring for a young plant.

Common geranium


In China, for example, this species has been recognized as a symbol of wealth and prosperity for many decades. It is the seed method that is most often used for flower propagation. Pelargonium can become a real decoration not only at home, but also on a personal plot.
