Anthurium diseases and pests on flower leaves


Anthurium ("anthurium)" or "male happiness" - a flower with an exotic appearance. It has glossy leaves and beautiful unusual-looking red flowers. Although the plant is characterized by resistance to diseases, with improper care problems still arise. In addition, pests often infect the bush.

Symptoms of anthurium disease or pests

Damage to the bush by pests or the appearance of diseases with a thorough examination are quite noticeable to the naked eye. The external description of anthurium in this case is as follows:

  • stunting;
  • the bush withers and turns pale;
  • yellowing of leaf plates;
  • drying of the edges of the sheets:
  • flowering stop;
  • leaves and flowers begin to fade;
  • black and brown spots appear on the leaves;
  • dark spots on the stems, in the leaf sinuses and the plate itself;
  • drying and falling of leaves.

With proper care, anthurium has practically no problems in growing

Problems due to improper care and treatment

Anthurium diseases are of varying degrees of danger, some of them are very difficult to treat, and there are those that need not be treated. In this case, it is better to immediately get rid of the bush and the container in which it was grown.

  • Chlorosis
Diseases of Anthurium, Anthurium does not grow - what to do?

It is characterized by yellowing and wilting of the plant. It is formed due to a violation of photosynthesis with a lack of lighting. It is necessary to properly care for the bush and treat it with a solution of iron sulfate.

  • Smallpox

Anthurium diseases are often infectious and contagious; plant smallpox may occur among them. Large bulges form on the leaf blades, and the root system begins to deform. For treatment, you need to reduce watering and increase the temperature.

  • Of enations

Not an infectious disease characterized by deformation of leaf blades. On them roundness and bulge are formed.

For reference! The exact cause of the occurrence is unknown, but the problem is treated by Fitoverm and Decis.

  • Sunburn

Characterized by the appearance of small yellowed patches on the foliage. The reason is prolonged exposure to the bright sun. It is necessary to remove the bush in a darker place.

Lack of flowering is one of the most common problems.

  • Lack of flowering

The plant ceases to bloom due to improper watering, dry air, lack of potassium and phosphorus in fertilizers.

Attention! Water the plant with high-quality clean water at room temperature, and strictly observe the dosage of mineral fertilizers.

  • Dry blackened leaves

The leaves turn black and curl dry. It is due to a black fungus that is treated with fungicides.

  • Wet leaf blackening

Among the diseases of the leaves of anthurium, there is also their wet darkening. The main reason is improper watering. Cold tap water should not be used to moisten the earth.

  • Other problems

In addition to the above diseases, root rot may occur due to fungus. The root rots and the bush dies. As a treatment, you need to transplant the bush into new soil and cut off the rotted areas.

Fungal parasite diseases and their treatment

Calathea - plant diseases and pests

Fungal parasites are very dangerous for anthurium, so treatment should be started immediately.

Stem rot occurs due to waterlogging of the soil

  • Stem rot

A disease provoked by a fungus that develops due to increased humidity of the air and soil. Dark stains appear on the stem, and then on the leaves. However, even at the first stages of the disease, they have a whitish-gray tint.

The affected areas are removed and the bush is treated with the Saprolo fungicide preparation.

Important! Before starting treatment, the pot with a bush is completely isolated from other plants that are contained in the house.

  • "Blackleg"

This disease is characterized by the appearance of a blackened ring around the base of the stem. The area next to the lesion becomes soft, it becomes thinner, which makes the flower die off.

It can be cured by soil treatment with ash or biological antibiotics for plants.

  • Gray mold

It occurs mainly in young bushes due to improper irrigation and lack of drainage. First, the stems are affected, then the foliage, which is covered with a grayish coating.

The affected parts of the plant are cut off, and the anthurium is sprayed with Fitosporin.

  • Late blight

The leaves dry out and curl, due to infection with fungal infections.

It is treated with fungicides and treatment with Bordeaux liquid.

  • Sooty mushrooms

Infectious disease caused by fungus. It is formed due to lack of nutrients and the appearance of aphids. The whole plant becomes yellow.

Treatment begins with isolating the flower from other indoor plants, then the diseased parts are removed. You can treat sick anthurium with potassium soap or Intavir.

  • Septoria

A very dangerous disease that appears due to elevated temperature along with high humidity. Leaves are affected by brown-brown spots, along the edge begin to turn yellow.

The bush needs to be protected from other plants and treated with preparations containing copper.

Important! Very often, it is not possible to save the bush, then you need to get rid of it together with the container.

  • Anthracnose or powdery mildew

Appears due to infection with an infectious fungus. Yellow spots form on the foliage, in the middle of which black dots are located. The disease can spread to the root system, pests are the carriers.

Before treatment, watering is reduced, after the flower is treated with fungicides or sprayed with copper sulfate.

  • Downy mildew

A sign of occurrence is a white coating on the leaves. Over time, it darkens and the plates die off.

It is necessary to regularly wash the bush with soap and water in the shower.

Rust often affects Anthurium

  • Rust

Rust on the leaves of anthurium appears due to an infectious fungus. The shoots begin to become covered with yellow spots, then the leaf completely dries out.

It is necessary to cut off all infected leaves and stems, then treat them with a Bordeaux mixture. You can not spray the bush with various fungicides so that the infection does not spread to the rest of the bush.

  • Fusarium

It is difficult to cure a disease that causes too moist soil and indoor air. First, the flower stalk is bent, then the leaves become covered with spots.

It is necessary to treat the soil with "Glyokladin" or completely change it, transplanting the plant into another container.

Diseases caused by viruses and their treatment

Soil for anthurium - what kind of land is needed for a flower

Illiterate care at home provokes anthurium diseases, then the flower requires treatment. However, before that, it is necessary to identify which infection affected the bush.

  • Bronze virus

Leaves acquire spotty yellowing and are deformed. Urgent treatment of the bush with fungicides is required.

Pests of the flower "male happiness" and the fight against them

Anthurium pests are easily treated with insecticides.

  • Aphid. Small dark insects that are located on the front side of the leaf and in the sinuses. They feed on the juices of the bush and are destroyed by spraying the bush with insecticides.
  • Thrips. Among pests on the sheets of anthurium, thrips are especially distinguished. They are located on the back of the plates and secrete dark poisonous juice. Destroyed by Actellic.
  • Spider mite. Dark insects feed on sap and make a thin web. The bush dries and dies. Ticks are not destroyed by insecticides, they use special drugs - acaricides.
  • Shield. Brownish sticky, rounded insects. Easy to remove with a regular swab or cotton swab. Due to the presence of the shell they are not destroyed by chemicals.
  • Whitefly It feeds on the fleshy parts of leaves and stems. Lays larvae on the back of leaf plates. For treatment, an Actellic treatment is performed.

How to prevent the appearance of diseases and pests

In fact, to prevent the emergence of problems in the cultivation is very simple, you must strictly adhere to the rules of care:

  • regular watering with quality water and subsequent loosening of the soil;
  • optimal temperature - 18-25 degrees;
  • top dressing every 3 weeks;
  • humidity not lower than 70%;
  • spraying and rubbing the leaves with a damp cloth.

With proper care, the plant will delight the owner with a healthy appearance and timely flowering


Some diseases can cause special problems, such as rust on the anthurium, they must be treated immediately. When running, the bush can no longer be saved. However, most diseases are still not fatal, and if the owner immediately takes action, the plant will still please with its flowers.
