Strawberry Vima Rina: history of origin, advantages and disadvantages of the variety, planting and features of care


Many are accustomed to consider strawberries as summer berries. But varieties have already appeared that can bear fruit until the colds. Wima Rina is one of them. Large, sweet and tender berries are a real treat for the sweet tooth. To successfully grow a variety in your garden, you need to replenish the luggage of knowledge on agricultural technology.

The story of Wim Rin strawberries and its description

Strawberry Vima Rina - a variety well known among lovers of sweet berries. Currently, it is considered the best among the Dutch varieties.

Strawberry variety Vima Rina is well known among lovers of sweet berries

The originator of Wim Rin is the Dutch company Vissers. The Vima series she created includes, in addition to the described variety, 3 more. Despite the fact that the varieties are combined in one series, they differ at the genetic level.

Vima Rina has a strong semi-spreading bush, with good foliage. A not very large sheet plate is painted in light green. The texture of the sheet is highly ribbed, convex, shiny. Edges adorn the cloves. Petiole is medium-sized, slightly pubescent, hairs not pressed.

Wim Rin strawberry bush grows quite powerful

Flowers of medium diameter, white. Peduncles grow flush with leaves. Inflorescences are spreading. The peduncle is long.

Variety Vima Rina refers to large-fruited. The average weight of the berries is 35-40 g. But instances can grow almost 2 times more. The shape of the fetus is conical, slightly elongated, the neck is well defined. The surface is glossy, strewn with small seeds. Ripe berry is colored red. The pulp is dense, but at the same time tender. It tastes sweet and sour. Tasters' score is quite high - 4.8 points out of 5. The strawberry flavor is pronounced.

Strawberry Vima Rina is a large-fruited variety

Wim Rin's strawberries are a neutral day variety. This means that the plant lays fruit buds every 5-6 weeks. The development of the fruit takes from 14 to 16 days. Daylight hours or weather conditions (temperature may vary from 5 to 300C) do not affect the laying of generative kidneys.

In Europe, the characteristics of "maintainability" and "grade of a neutral day" are united by one concept - "day neutral varieties". In Russia, however, it is customary to separate these two features, so confusion sometimes occurs when describing Wim Rin. It is often called a repair grade.

Culture characteristics:

  • Vima Rina is a late variety. The first berry wave ripens only in early July, but fruiting continues until the frosts;
  • in the period of fruiting may enter the first year after spring planting;
  • yield from one bush - about 800 g during the growing season;
  • the variety perfectly tolerates winter frosts in the Central region of Russia. Resistance to drought and elevated temperature above average;
  • in one place, the variety feels good for 3-4 years, without reducing yield;
  • resistance to major diseases - at a high level;
  • A feature of the variety is its very weak mustard formation. On the one hand, this greatly facilitates care. But on the other - it is a problem for reproduction.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of Vima Rina

Large-fruited and good taste of berries.The almost complete absence of mustache makes it difficult
Long fruiting period.
High winter hardiness.
Resistance to drought.
Good immunity.
Excellent transportability.

Landing requirements

The quick adaptation of strawberry seedlings in a new place and its further growth depends on the observance of planting rules.

How to choose a place

For planting Wim Rin strawberries, the most suitable is a well-lit, flat, or slightly sloping area, well-lit by the sun. The ideal direction is south or southwest. A slight shading will not affect the formation of peduncles. But the strawberries planted in the shade will not bear fruit well, the berries will lose their sweet taste. A delicate plant must be hidden from the north wind, for this you can use decorative planting. But it is impossible to allow complete stagnation of air. Easy blowing will be an excellent prevention of fungal diseases.

So that the roots do not suffer, you need to find a place where groundwater passes at a level of 60-80 cm from the surface of the soil cover. If the site is located in a lowland, it is better to build high beds, since excessive moisture will not only spoil the crop, but also lead to diseases.

Vima Rina grows well on almost all types of soil. But it will produce the highest yields on light and nutrient-rich soils. Compounds with high acidity will not work, they will have to be liming. Wetlands and saline lands are also unsuitable. On sandstones, the harvest will not please due to a constant lack of moisture in the soil.

Planting Vima Rin after carrots, parsley, dill or radish, you will achieve high yields. A wonderful neighbor for strawberries is garlic - it helps to deter pests from planting. But the use of plots after potatoes, tomatoes, raspberries or eggplant is undesirable.

Garlic on a strawberry bed will help scare away pests

Selection of seedlings

Planting material must be selected carefully, paying attention to the following parameters:

  • the bushes should be well formed and have at least 3-4 leaves;
  • leaflets are painted in bright green color, do not have traces of disease or damage on the surface;
  • the root system is fibrous, at least 7 cm long.

Strawberry seedlings should have healthy leaves and a developed root system

Time for landing

Wim Rin's strawberries can be planted in autumn or spring. Nevertheless, it is better to correlate the terms with the climatic conditions of your region.

Spring planting is preferable. Dates are limited to the end of April - the beginning of May. It is necessary to wait for the complete disappearance of the snow cover and soil warming up to 100C. A young bush begins to bloom immediately after rooting. But the first flowers must be cut off without regret, then a stronger plant will be able to please a large berry of the next wave of harvest.

If you live in a region where spring frosts are often observed, it is better to opt for an autumn landing. It is held from late August to mid-September. It is important to have time to plant seedlings 2 weeks before the arrival of frost. In this short time, Wima Rina will have time to take root and lay flower buds, and with the advent of spring, she will grow rapidly.

You can plant Wim Rin strawberries in spring and autumn

Soil preparation

An important factor in obtaining high yields is good soil preparation before planting. The deeper the fertile layer, the stronger the root system grows and the bush becomes more productive.

The preparatory period is always carried out in advance. For autumn planting, you need to put the land in order a month before the start of the process. If the climate allows you to plant strawberries in the spring, then be sure to start preparing the site in the fall.

Before landing, do the following:

  • dig a plot to a depth of 30 cm, strawberries like clean soils, so carefully remove the roots of perennials;
  • on 1 m2 add 6-8 kg of rotted manure or compost, 60-100 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potash fertilizers;
  • immediately before planting, loosen and level the ground.

Dig the ground before planting strawberries and carefully weed

Landing pattern

If the traditional scheme recommends keeping 25 cm between strawberry bushes, then for the Vima Rina variety the distance between plants is increased to 40-45 cm. This will avoid thickening of the planting, and the berry will receive a sufficient amount of light. Between the rows leave at least 50 cm of free space.

Wim Rin's strawberries need room for normal development

Step-by-step process

  1. Go through the planting material, remove the yellowed leaves, shorten the long roots to 6-7 cm.
  2. Dig a hole measuring 25x25 cm.
  3. If fertilizers have not been applied in advance, add them to the well, thoroughly mixed with the ground.
  4. Spill water every seat.
  5. Plant seedlings in prepared wells. The roots should be directed strictly down, the heart should be located above the surface of the earth.
  6. Slightly compact the soil around the bush, but not much, the roots should have good air circulation.
  7. Water each bush again, making sure that water does not fall into the middle of the bush.
  8. Mulch the landing with straw or dry earth. This will help to retain moisture in the soil longer, which means that rooting will be more successful.

You need to plant Wim Rin strawberries on a cloudy day or in the evening. If the seedlings were planted in the morning, then it must be protected from the midday sun. To do this, pull the non-woven material onto the iron arches so that the top of the ridge is closed from the sun and slightly blowed from below by the breeze.

Video: planting strawberries

Care Features

Vima Rina makes demands for leaving, without which you can’t hope for a good harvest.


A feature of strawberries is its surface root system, which is not able to draw water from deep layers of the soil, while wide leaves intensively evaporate moisture. For neutral daylight varieties, which include Vima Rina, watering is a source of strength for setting new berries.

If force majeure circumstances suddenly arise, Wim Rin's strawberry will calmly survive a short period of drought.

The first watering should be carried out in late April, if the weather is warm and dry. In the period from May to June, the soil under the bushes is moistened 6-7 times. In August - September, the frequency of watering is reduced to 2 times per month. Water consumption rate per 1 m2 - 10 l. When irrigating, be sure to consider rainfall.

Seedlings planted in the spring need very frequent watering - from 2 to 3 times a week, while rooting occurs. And if the weather is very hot, then hydration is necessary every day.

For watering, warm water is needed, it should be carried out early in the morning or in the evening, waiting for the sun to decrease its activity. Drop moisture helps not only save water, but also bring it directly to the root system.

Drop strawberry watering will help bring moisture directly to the root

Mulching and cultivation

These agricultural practices are also important for the quality development and fruiting of strawberries. Loosening, carried out the next day after watering, will destroy the formed crust of the earth and provide gentle roots with air.

Mulching when growing strawberries is a must. It helps to save moisture in the soil and prevents the appearance of weeds. Mulched land will reduce the number of cultivations and weeding, which will greatly facilitate the care of the plant. In addition, the mulch perfectly protects the berries from dirt, they are less likely to rot.

As a mulch, it is good to use dried grass, rye or wheat straw. But there is one caveat - it is not recommended to use straw on freshly planted strawberries, as it is too stiff for young leaves.

Mulch retains moisture in the soil and protects berries from dirt

Top dressing

For the Vima Rin variety, top dressing is one of the main conditions for obtaining a large crop. If strawberries planted in the spring received a full range of fertilizers, then this season there is no need to feed. In subsequent years, nutrient reserves need to be constantly renewed. Strawberry reacts especially well to the alternation of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Feeding scheme:

  • for rapid growth in spring, strawberries need nitrogen. To obtain a nutrient solution you need 1 tbsp. l ammonium sulfate and 2 tbsp. dilute cow manure in 10 liters of water. Under the bush, 1 liter of mixture is enough;
  • during the appearance of peduncles, Wima Rina willingly takes food in the form of infusion of chicken manure, which is bred with water in a proportion of 1:10, and wood ash;
  • at the beginning of fruit setting, treat the planting with a solution of trace elements - 10 g of water, 2 g of boron, manganese and zinc. Such a mixture will help to improve the set and increase the mass of berries. Spray the bushes only in the evening to avoid leaf burns;
  • a very good effect is shown by the treatment of bushes with nettle infusion. With a cut plant, they fill a bucket and fill it with water. Insist on the sun for about a week, filter and dilute 1 liter of infusion of 10 liters of water. Apply during flowering and after removing berries;
  • after fruiting is completed, it is useful to nourish the strawberries with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. On 1 m2 areas use up to 45 g of substance. It is brought into the ground under cultivation with subsequent watering. Can be used as a solution.

Strawberries love organic fertilizers, in particular chicken droppings

How to prepare Wim Rin's strawberries for winter

Vima Rina variety has good frost resistance and in regions with a mild climate does not need a specially constructed shelter. Bushes under the snow cover perfectly tolerate the winter cold. But still you can’t leave the bare earth under the strawberry bushes. Since the plant spends a lot of energy on fruiting, which lasts until the frost, he does not have time to prepare for winter. To prevent possible freezing of the bushes, you need to do a little work.

  1. With the onset of the first frosts, all berries and yellowed leaves are cut from strawberries.
  2. If the root neck has risen above the ground - cover it with soil.
  3. The old mulch is cleaned and replaced with a new one.
  4. In snowless winters, bushes are covered with fir branches from above. You can also use any non-woven material.

Shelter from spruce branches will help to survive the winter with little snow

Ways to extend the fruiting of strawberries Vima Rina

Vima Rina develops well and bears fruit in open beds. But the climate is not the same everywhere. In the southern regions, October is warm enough, and there is enough sun to ripen the last crop. In cooler areas, strawberries need a little help. If you build a film shelter over the plantings, the bushes will bear fruit until the end of October or the beginning of November.

Diseases and Pests

Vima Rina has good immunity, but adverse weather conditions or improper care can contribute to the development of diseases.

Table: Variety-typical diseases and pests

Diseases and PestsSignsPrevention and treatment
Gray rotWet and cool summers are a favorable period for the development of the disease. The berries are covered with gray fluffy mycelium, begin to rot. Spores in the form of a gray cloud spread around, infecting healthy bushes. The disease can affect 50-90% of the crop.
  1. To inhibit the spread of the disease, Fuclazine or Tiram is used. Drugs are used according to the instructions. A good result shows copper oxychloride.
  2. Pollination with ash is used at the initial stage. Ash is also brought under the bush when loosening the soil.
  3. To avoid illness, do not thicken your planting.
  4. Collect and destroy affected berries.
  5. Do not overfeed the plant with nitrogen.
  6. If rotten berries appear, stop watering and let the earth dry.
  7. Mulch strawberry beds.
Powdery mildewThe disease harms all parts of the plant. The leaves are covered with powdery coating, curl and acquire a purple hue. Patient inflorescences cannot be pollinated normally, as a result, the berries are deformed, covered with a whitish coating and acquire a mushroom taste.
  1. Perfectly cope with the disease drugs Topaz and Azocene.
  2. You can prepare a solution of copper sulfate and laundry soap (dissolve 20 g of each substance in 10 l of water). Treat the mixture with strawberries before budding.
  3. Get healthy planting material.
  4. Do not thicken your planting.
  5. Remove affected leaves and fruits.
  6. Do not water the soil on a strawberry bed.
White spottingYou can recognize the disease by small spots of white, bordered by a dark stripe. They are localized on leaves, petioles, stalks, peduncles. With the development of the disease, the spots merge, leading to the drying out and death of the leaf or petiole.
  1. They fight the disease with Bordeaux fluid or copper chloroxide. It is possible to use iodine - 50 ml per 10 l of water for leaf treatment.
  2. Sanitize strawberry beds. Cut dry flowers, leaves, berries.
  3. Dig up and burn the weak and sick bushes.
  4. Do not forget to feed strawberries with trace elements, but be careful when using organics.
  5. Control the moisture level.
Strawberry miteA small insect sucks juices from the leaves along with nutrients. As a result, the puncture site becomes lighter or colorless. The damaged sheet curls and dies. The growth of the bushes is suspended.
  1. Before flowering and after the formation of the ovary, spray the bushes with 70% colloidal sulfur solution.
  2. Bitoxibacillin shows good results. A solution of 40-60 g of the drug per 10 l of water is sprayed with leaves on both sides.
  3. As a preventive measure, you can water the bushes with water heated to 700FROM.
  4. In the fall, clear plantings of plant debris and old mulch.
  5. If the bushes are severely affected, they must be completely cut off from the leaves.
Snails, slugsPests damage berries at different stages of ripeness. Holes are made in the pulp, and silver marks are left on the surface of the sheet.
  1. Metaldehyde will help to cope with the problem. On 1 m2 you need to sprinkle only 4 g of the drug.
  2. When the last berries are collected, the bushes can be treated with a solution of Karbofos - 3 tbsp. l on 10 l of water.
  3. An excellent prevention of slugs and snails is mulching with pine needles, sawdust or straw.
  4. Good dusting helps with ash.
  5. You can plant spicy herbs, such as parsley, around the perimeter of the bed. A pungent odor will scare away pests.
  6. It is worth taking care of thinning out the plantings - this way the bushes are better ventilated, and where there is no excess moisture, snails and slugs rarely appear.

Photo gallery: how to recognize diseases and pests of strawberries

Harvesting and storage

The beginning of July is not the earliest date for strawberry ripening. But then you can feast on the excellent berries of Wim Rin for a long 4 months. Strawberry sings not massively, but gradually. Along with ripe berries, the bush has ovaries and flowers.

Harvesting is best in the early morning, after the dew has dried. You can transfer this lesson to the evening, the main thing is that the berries have time to cool off from the hot sun. Strawberries need to be placed in small birch bark boxes or wicker baskets, in a small layer so that the berries do not crumple. A strawberry torn with a tail retains its shape longer and does not flow. Damaged fruits are collected separately and immediately put into processing.

Strawberry Vima Rina has a dense pulp, so it can be successfully transported over long distances.

In the refrigerator, the whole fruit is perfectly stored for 4-5 days. Vima Rina is also great for longer storage - frozen. From it you can make jam, compotes, jelly, pastille. But the greatest benefit can be obtained from eating fresh strawberries.

To preserve most of the vitamins and minerals, berries are wiped with sugar. In this form, strawberries can be stored until the end of spring.

Strawberry Jam is a great occasion to spend a soulful evening with a cup of tea with friends

Reviews about Strawberries Vima Rina

Vima Rina variety is really good in all respects, the taste, marketability and color of the berry, disease resistance, tolerates not only heat, but also cold. I personally recommend everyone to try this variety.



Now about Vima Rin - a good variety for open ground, well leafy, has a great winter, can grow for more than one year in one place, increasing productivity (need additional nutrition). Of course, there are better varieties to taste, but you will not be offended by it, you can eat and you will not be ashamed in the market. The berries are not so much affected by gray rot, and the vegetative part is resistant to fungal diseases. Mustache gives little and usually in the second year. The first berries in autumn (second flowering) fruiting can be more than 60 g. The berry is flat, did not notice ugly (with good pollination).

dd Anatoly


I have Vima Rina was acidic and the yield is so-so, got rid.



Strawberry variety Vima Rina - remontant strawberry. During the first summer, a huge bush grew, all covered with large tasty berries. Fruited continuously until the snow! The next year, these bushes seemed to "grow old", and could not even grow normal foliage. Threw them away and planted young bushes. They spent the whole summer to no avail - neither special growth, nor normal berries, nor remontnost! I wanted to throw them out already, but I regretted it, left it, and Vima Rina did not disappoint me this year - the huge berries that the kids immediately ate.



Strawberry variety Wima Rina has become very popular due to its excellent winter hardiness, the ability to tolerate dry periods and strong immunity. However, this culture needs special care. In gratitude for the work, the strawberry will thank the caring gardener in full.


Watch the video: Садовая земляника Вима Рина в теплице и в саду Ремонтантная клубника Вима Рина (October 2024).