Description gooseberry Russian yellow: care features


In the 60s of the last century, breeders worked to create a high-yielding gooseberry variety that could grow in any climatic conditions in Russia. The result was Russian yellow. In the photo, the berries of this variety look unusual, because they are not dark, but golden-green. Description of the rules of care will help gardeners assess the merits of the variety and correct the deficiencies.

Grade history

Russian yellow is a clone of the gooseberry Russian, which is listed in the register of selection achievements since 1959. The variety received new characteristics, but also adopted the positive old ones. In particular, Russian yellow is resistant to powdery mildew, it is winter-hardy, self-fertile and high-yielding. The spreading of the shoots was also transmitted from the Russian, but the bush became more compact.

Russian yellow is a clone of Russian gooseberry

Russian yellow was accepted for variety testing in 1964; it was entered into the State Register in 1974. Zoned for the Ural and Northwest regions. However, due to adaptability to any weather conditions, this gooseberry can be grown in different climatic zones. It bears fruit well in hot dry summers and cool rainy.

Gooseberry variety description Russian yellow

An adult bush grows in height a little more than 1 m, without thickening. The wood of the fruiting branches is light brown. Spikes are, but concentrated mainly in the lower part of the shoots. Berries ripen in late June or early July, the period depends on weather conditions. The fruits are large - up to 7 g, they look very beautiful, shine in the sun, because they do not have pubescence and are covered with a waxy coating. Ripe berries acquire a golden hue, the skin becomes thin and transparent.

Gooseberry fruits Russian yellow without pubescence, with a wax coating

Gooseberry is the earliest honey plant. In spring, he was the first among the berry bushes to bloom and attract bees to the plot. In folk medicine, berries are used as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

Gardeners who grow Russian yellow speak of a sweet taste with sourness. Fruits contain a lot of sugar, have a dessert flavor, so some fundamentally collect unripe green gooseberries, since it contains more ascorbic and other acids. One bush annually without pollinators gives 4-10 kg of berries. Even ripened, they do not crumble, do not burst and do not rot.

Ripe berries - glossy, with a golden hue

Features of growing Russian yellow

Of course, this gooseberry can also have disadvantages: a sprawling crown, the presence of thorns, a bush affected by a spider mite and fungal diseases. In the description of the variety, relative resistance to powdery mildew is indicated, and not absolute. In addition, cases of anthracnosis were recorded. Given the shortcomings, care must be taken.

Choosing a place and landing time

Russian yellow grows beautifully in the scattered shade of trees, trellised fences, among other shrubs. However, part of the day it should be lit by a bright sun. A place where the soil is always moist, does not dry out for a long time after melting snow and rains, will not work.

The best place for gooseberries is under a light and air permeable fence, away from paths and places of rest

The ideal time for planting is autumn, immediately after leaf fall, when the buds of next year have already been laid and matured. Many recommend replanting in the spring, before budding. But gooseberries begin to grow very early when the ground just thawed.

If your summer season opens on the May holidays, after the site warms up and dries well, then you will be late with the planting of gooseberries.


The parameters of the landing pit should correspond to the size of the roots. The root neck can be deepened, that is, planted 3-5 cm deeper than the gooseberry grew earlier. The rest of the landing is no different from the classic. Mix the removed earth with humus or compost 1: 1, add 1 tbsp. ashes. If the land is infertile (with clay, sand, stones), then make a larger landing hole, then more nutrient mixture will turn out. After planting, a seedling of Russian yellow must water and mulch the hole with at least a grass cut or sprinkle with dry soil so that crusts and cracks do not form.

Video: gooseberry planting rules

How to water

Russian yellow does not like waterlogging, is resistant to drought, but the berries will be larger and tastier if the bush is watered. In addition, stability in the care and growth conditions have a positive effect on the immune system, gooseberries become resistant to disease.

When watering gooseberries, it is necessary that the earth becomes wet 40 cm deep

In the dry period, you need to water Russian yellow once a week, so that the earth is wet at least 40 cm. It is especially important to ensure sufficient humidity during flowering (May) and fruit filling (mid-end June). Water-charging irrigation is also needed in September (in the absence of rain).

Video: about watering and fertilizers for gooseberries

Table: gooseberry top dressing

When to depositFertilizers and dose for 1 adult bush (from 3-4 years)Application Method
In early spring (when the leaves open).Urea or ammonium nitrate - 50 g.Sprinkle around the near-stem circle and loosen (or dissolve in 10 liters of water and pour).
Mullein infusion with water 1:10.Water - 10 liters under the bush.
Chicken droppings infused with 1:20 water.
During budding and flowering.Wood ash - 1 tbsp.Shake water in a bucket and pour until settled.
Nettle infusion: add water, allow to ferment for 5-7 days, dilute in a ratio of 1: 5.To water - a bucket under the bush.
Potassium Sulphate - 20 g.Dissolve in 10 l of water and pour.
Immediately after harvestSuperphosphate - 30 g + 1 tbsp.Close up the trunk circle in the soil.

At each feeding, use only one of the fertilizers. All solutions and infusions given in the table can be poured over the leaves. They represent an acidic or alkaline environment, which is harmful to fungi and not to the taste of pests, but is useful to the plant, is well absorbed and absorbed by both leaves and roots.

Pest and Disease Control

Most often, pests and diseases act together: insects pierce young leaves, shoots, ovaries, suck juices, and fungi are fixed in the wounds. In most cases, insects from neighboring infected plants bring them. Therefore, pest control is also disease prevention.

Table: diseases and pests of Russian yellow, methods of control and prevention

Pest / diseaseDescriptionPrevention and control
Gooseberry fireA gray butterfly with a wingspan of not more than 4.5 cm. Winters in the ground at a depth of 5-6 cm. Summer begins during the period of budding and flowering. By the time the ovaries form, the female is ready for laying eggs. Each larva is inhabited by one larva, which grows into a green caterpillar with a black head. The pest eats up the pulp, the berries turn red and dry.
  1. Early in spring or autumn after leaf fall, cover the bushes with earth or lay mulch 8-10 cm thick, then the butterflies will not be able to surface and die.
  2. Collect affected berries from the bush and the ground.
  3. Before and after flowering, spray Karbofos (60 g per 10 l of water), Spark (1 tablet per 10 l).
Spider miteSmall pests (up to 1 mm) settle in a colony on the back of the sheet. First, small brown dots appear on the leaves, then they increase. The entire leaf blade turns yellow, bends and dries.
  1. If there are few damaged leaves, you can cut them and burn them.
  2. In case of severe infection, spray with tick preparations, for example, Actellicum (2 ml per 2 l). If necessary, repeat the treatment after 10-14 days.
AnthracnoseThe disease is common in regions with a temperate climate, and develops particularly rapidly in rainy summers. Symptoms are similar to a mite lesion: the leaves become covered with growing dark spots, dry out and crumble. In addition, the berries rot. With a severe defeat, gooseberries in the middle of the summer can completely bare branches.
  1. To prevent fungal diseases, provide good care to gooseberries: watering, feeding, thinning the bush, pest and weed control.
  2. If several days are left before harvesting, chemicals cannot be used, then cut off all damaged parts, collect rotten berries and burn. You can try to save a solution of zelenka or iodine (40 drops per 10 liters) or an infusion of dry mustard (1 tbsp. Per 1 liter of water).
  3. Begin the fight with fungicides in early spring and continue until the fall. Before leafing, before and after flowering, after harvesting, spray with copper-containing preparations: HOM (30 g per 10 l of water), Skor (2 ml per 10 l), copper sulfate (50 g per 10 l).
Powdery mildewYoung shoots and leaves are covered with spots of white powdery coating. The fungus also transfers to the berries, causing them to rot.

Photo gallery: pests and diseases of Russian yellow

Bush formation

You can not complicate your life with the formation of a Russian yellow bush, but just let it grow naturally. But sanitary pruning is necessary. Every spring, remove broken, crooked and diseased shoots. Starting from 5-7 years of age, annually cut the oldest branches. It will be easy to distinguish them by the dark and cracked bark.

Rules for the classic formation of gooseberries:

  1. Immediately after planting, cut all the shoots to a third of the length. Over the summer, they will be covered with twigs of the second order, and several shoots of substitution will grow from the ground.
  2. Next spring, leave the existing, fruiting branches, as well as 3-5 of the strongest young shoots of substitution, cut off the rest at ground level.
  3. In the third year, add up to five more shoots. So form a bush for about five years, until it consists of 20-25 branches.
  4. From the sixth year, cut not only last year's shoots, but also old branches, and leave strong young shoots to replace them.

Gooseberries need sanitary pruning annually

POn the branches with berries, place supports so that they do not lie on the ground and rot. Russian yellow bush retains high productivity for 15 years. Then you can rejuvenate it by cutting off absolutely all shoots “to zero”, wait for the shoots and form a new bush. But it is better in the spring to pin a lignified branch to damp ground. By autumn, it will give roots, you will have ready planting material.

Enthusiastic gardeners form gooseberries in the form of a tree - from one shoot with a stem and skeletal branches. Also known cases of growing on a trellis, by analogy with raspberries.

Video: gooseberry pruning

Winter preparations

Russian yellow is winter-hardy and prickly, it does not need to be protected from frost or from rodents. In regions with severe winters, it will be completely covered by snow, and in the south it will not freeze. If it is frosty and snowy in the winter, do not forget to remove all the summer supports and garters after the fall, so that the branches are closer to the ground, especially if a metal wire was used. In places of contact with metal at subzero temperatures, shoots and buds will freeze.

Also remove from the bush and around it all the fallen leaves and fruits. Replace the mulch, in which pests and fungi have taken refuge for the winter, with a new one.

Before winter cold, it is necessary to remove the supports, clean the land of leaves and fruits, mulch the bush


Gooseberry Russian yellow harvested in July. Berries are not prone to shedding, so the whole rich harvest can be collected slowly, in several stages. For the preparation of jams, jams and compotes, the fruits are harvested in the stage of technical ripeness, that is, still green outside, but sweet inside. Fully ripened golden berries are eaten fresh, prepared from them fruit drinks and wine. Gooseberries can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, and it also tolerates transportation.

Video: gooseberry and orange jam

Gooseberry reviews Russian yellow

Gooseberry Russian yellow has been growing in our country for a long time and every year pleases with a plentiful and ever-growing crop. This is the earliest of our four varieties. The bush is already more than a meter tall and, most likely, this is its final growth, it will not grow anymore. This is a rather prickly plant, and picking berries is not always convenient, although the berries are tasty and worth the effort to collect them. This year I made wonderful yellow jam from gooseberry Russian yellow, wine and even a few berries managed to wither, dried berries still turned sour, but just for compotes in the winter.

Salamandra m


I remember this gooseberry from my distant childhood !!! He used to grow with my beloved, deceased grandmother, the bush was not big enough, but there was a lot of gooseberries there and my cousin constantly burst it on both cheeks)) Gooseberries were tasty and sweet. It seems that there wasn’t even dusty dew on it then. He was not ill with anything, and the berries were clean and without dark spots.



But before buying Russian yellow, keep in mind that this variety is a mutant from Russian, and in rare cases, it can have partly yellow and partly red berries. And to the taste, according to the words of the author - Sergeyeva KD, it is more tender than Russian, and Russian, in turn, to the taste - table.



Gooseberry Russian yellow planted 2 years ago. Last summer everything was fine with him, but this year the leaves bent up and some points. Spark treated from pests, then 2 times with Bordeaux liquid - no changes at all. Three meters from it is Krasnoslavyanskiy, a normal healthy bush.



It is pleasant to look after Russian yellow. This is the case when all efforts are paid off with interest. On a high agricultural background, productivity will impress anyone: the branches are literally strewn with berries - beautiful, large and tasty.
