Pawpaw - delicious exotic in the garden


Azimina is a perennial fruit plant from the Annon family. His homeland is North America, especially the states of Nebraska, Texas and Florida. Although the plant resembles a tropical plant and yields delicious aromatic fruits, it can withstand frosts down to -30 ° C. Domestic gardeners should pay attention to this amazing tree in order to diversify the familiar set of fruit plants. Among the people, the paw-paw can be found under the names "Nebraska banana", "banana tree", "Mexican banana". It is enough to take into account a few simple rules for the care and pawpaw for many decades will delight its owner.

Botanical characteristics

Azimina is a perennial deciduous plant. It takes the form of a tree or tall shrub. The average height is 4-5 m, although there are specimens up to 15 m in height. Young branches are densely pubescent with a long pile, which gradually falls off. After a year, the bark becomes smooth and acquires an olive-brown color. A few years later, the bark turns gray and is covered with warty growths.

In early spring, the branches are covered with fluffy red-brown buds, large leathery leaves develop from them. The length of the obovate leaf plate is 12-30 cm, and the width is 4.5-12 cm. Dark green leaves have solid edges and a pointed end. On the back there is a reddish pubescence. In autumn, the leaves acquire a light yellow tint.

In April-May, before the leaves appear, unusual flowers bloom on the azimine. Single buds on short, shaggy pedicels resemble large bells. The diameter of the corolla is 4.5 cm. It consists of six brown-burgundy oval petals. A mesh pattern of the veins is visible across the entire surface of the petal. The column-shaped core contains many stamens and several pistils, it is painted yellow. During flowering, a weak but unpleasant aroma envelops the azimin. It attracts flies, they are the natural pollinators of the plant.

After flowering, 2-8 edible fruits ripen in place of each bud. The oblong juicy fruit reaches 5-16 cm in length and 3-7 cm in width. Its weight is from 20 g to 0.5 kg. Under the thin greenish-yellow skin is the flesh. It contains about a dozen large, flat seeds with shiny light brown skin.

Types of pawpaw

The genus of pawpaw includes 10 species of plants. However, only one of them is cultivated in Russia - Three-bladed pawpaw (triloba). Frost-resistant deciduous tree with a wide pyramidal crown grows 5-8 m in height. Branches cover large light green ovate leaves. Their length can be up to 35 cm and width up to 12 cm. The upper side of the leaves has a shiny surface, and the lower one is densely pubescent with a reddish pile. Large branches bloom on branches older than 1 year. The fruits ripen by the end of September.

Three-bladed Pawpaw

Azimine is dwarfish. A sprawling shrub up to 120 cm high. The branches are covered with long, obovate leaves. Under the foliage are purple flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm.

Pawpaw dwarf

Pawpaw Incana (woolly papaya). Deciduous shrub with a slender crown. Its height does not exceed 150 cm. Narrow oblong leaves with a rounded end have a light green color. Leaves and flowers bloom in late March. White or creamy corollas are located under the foliage. The fruits ripen in July-August.

Asimine Incana

Breeding methods

The reproduction of azimins is produced by seeds or root processes. Seedlings are preliminarily grown from seeds. Before sowing, the seed material is stratified by placing it in the refrigerator for 3-4 months. For planting use small boxes with sand and peat soil. Sunflower seeds are buried by 2-3 cm, watered and left in a bright, warm place (+ 20 ° C). Shoots appear sparsely after 7 weeks. You can sow seeds immediately in open ground. Seeds planted in October usually emerge in the middle of next summer. In the first year, seedlings are recommended to be grown in a greenhouse and only for the next season transplanted into the garden. Flowering and fruiting is expected in 5-6 years.

The roots of pawpaw can shoot. To do this, in mid-spring, it is enough to separate a portion of the rhizome located close to the surface and plant it in open ground. The root is placed horizontally in the soil, to a depth of 3-5 cm. The first shoots appear within a month and the seedling can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Tree grafting

Reproduction and development of young plants is very slow. To get a flowering tree faster, use the vaccination method. The vaccine also helps to grow rare varieties. At the beginning of March, a cleavage is made on the stock to a depth of about 1.5 cm. The tapered end of the scion is inserted into it. It is important to achieve coincidence of cambial layers. The vaccination site is wrapped with a film, and the lower shoots on the rootstock are removed.

Inoculation takes place within 12-16 days, then the buds begin to bloom on the new shoot. The bandage can be slightly loosened, but completely removed after 1-1.5 months.

Plant care

It’s easy to take care of the azimine. She needs a bright place. In the southern regions, you can plant trees in partial shade to protect against intense heat. The optimal length of the day in the summer is 14-16 hours and a minimum of 4 hours in direct sunlight.

The soil for planting should be fertile and loose. You can plant the plant on heavy soil, but provide good drainage. Before landing at the bottom of the pit, a thick layer of gravel and sand is poured. Additionally, the earth is mixed with ash and compost.

Transplanting plants older than 3 years is undesirable. The root root system is easily damaged. A distance of 3 m must be maintained between the trees. After planting, the soil surface is mulched with peat.

Pawpaw can be grown as a pot culture. In spring, it is taken out to the street, where the plant lives until late autumn. Transplantation is carried out as necessary by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma.

For pawpaw, it is advisable to choose windless areas. This is especially important for young plants. In the first year they even build a special fence from drafts.

Azimina loves water, it is grown in regions where the annual rainfall is at least 800 mm. In drought, the plant needs regular watering, but water stagnation in the soil should not be allowed. In the fall, watering is gradually nullified. In the cold season, the plant is content with natural rainfall. In spring, roots can suffer from excess moisture after snow melts.

Since April, azimin is recommended to fertilize. Mineral (phosphorus, nitrogen) or organic (silt, rotted manure) top dressing is added monthly under the root.

Three-bladed azimine is frost-resistant up to -25 ... -30 ° C. She does not need shelter, but flower buds can freeze during harsh winters. The plant needs a period of rest. For 2-3 weeks a year, the air temperature should not exceed + 5 ... + 10 ° C.

In the spring, before the start of sap flow, pruning is recommended. The procedure is necessary to remove damaged branches and form a crown.

Pawpaw is resistant to plant diseases. Only with frequent stagnation of water in the soil and dampness can fungal diseases develop. Pests on the tree do not settle, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of fruits and leaves.


Trees are distinguished by a slender, dense crown, which changes color during the code. In spring, the plant is covered with large unusual flowers. In summer, it gleams with large dark green leaves, and in the fall it acquires a rich golden color.

The fruits of pawpaw are rich in amino acids, trace elements, vitamins, sugars. They are used to strengthen immunity, remove toxins and restore the digestive tract. Scientists have found that some components of the fruit inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Drugs help reduce even those formations that are insensitive to chemotherapy. Since fresh fruits are stored for only a few days, they make jam, jams, compotes, candied candied fruits.

Plant seeds are used as an effective emetic. They are insisted on alcohol, and then taken as necessary. A decoction of leaves is an effective diuretic.


Watch the video: Three Yellow Fruit: Babaco + Madrono + Oak Leaf Papaya (October 2024).