Weed lawn


Before laying the lawn, the earth is dug up, treated with special preparations from weeds. However, their seeds are carried with the wind, birds, animals, etc., so they still appear, despite preventive measures. This spoils the look of the lawn. In addition, weeds are more resistant to adverse weather conditions, trampling, therefore, over time, destroy lawn plants. There is not always time for weeding; moreover, it is a rather laborious process. To correct the situation will help grass for lawn, crowding out weeds.

Lawn grass that destroys weeds

When choosing grass seeds, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • trampling resistance;
  • height (it is desirable that the grass be stunted because it is easier to cut);
  • resistance to drought (a plant is not afraid if they will not be watered for a long time);
    tolerance of severe climatic conditions (severe frosts, cold winds, etc.).

What lawn can be planted so that weeds do not grow:

Bluegrass meadow

It grows already in early spring, often appears even from under the remaining snow cover, so it is recommended to sow it before winter. It grows rapidly, tolerates cold, strong gusts of wind, trampling.

If meadow grassland is planted, the grass stand persists for 10 years. The ability to displace weeds acquires 4 years of life (before this age, its shoots are still very thin and weakened).

The plant propagates by self-pollination. Rating of the best varieties: Dolphin, Connie, Compact.

Polevosnaya shoot

In the natural habitat can be found on the southern and eastern lands of Russia. It belongs to undersized cereals, therefore, it needs to be cut only 3-4 times per season. In height it grows slowly, but in breadth fast. It develops well on any soil, prefers sunny places. Needs abundant watering in the 1st year and with prolonged drought.

Red fescue

It features bright, eye-friendly green leaves. Undemanding to soil fertility, tolerates drought, subzero temperatures, poor lighting. Resistant to trampling and low mowing up to 3.5 cm.

Rhizome is well developed, forms a layer of turf about 20 cm, so the plant is often used to strengthen the soil (on slopes, along roads, etc.).

In the first year after sowing, it does not grow very fast.


Heat-loving plant. At a suitable temperature, it retains green leaves until December. It tolerates trampling, after beveling it does not lose the softness of greenery, and is resistant to various infections and pests. After severe frosts, when snow melts, bald spots can be found. Life expectancy is 6-7 years.


It differs from meadow clover in small leaf plates. Reaches 50 mm. Life expectancy is 8 years.

It does not require special care, only periodic soil moisture. It tolerates bad weather, adapts to the climate in which it grows.

It is not recommended to plant next to the garden or flower garden, because microclover grows rapidly in width. If you do not take this into account, instead of crops, over time, only clover will grow.

For the same reason, it is not used in grass mixtures for lawn.

Combination of herbs

A mix for a lawn from different herbs can be prepared independently by mixing the seeds of several plants in an equal amount. It is also sold in the store in a ready-made form, the most popular brands:

  • Canada Green (several species of fescue, bluegrass, different varieties of ryegrass). Ideal for planting in the northern regions. The grass in the composition tolerates a temperature range of + 40 ... -40 ° C. It develops rapidly, is resistant to aggressive influences from the environment.
  • Ornamental (fescue, ryegrass, bluegrass). Adapts to any soil, local climate, poor environmental conditions. Often used for landscaping municipal parks and squares.
  • Sunshine. It calmly tolerates frost and drought. Resistant to trampling.
    Gnome (bluegrass, meadow and red fescue). It does not exceed 4-5 cm. It tolerates prolonged frosts, therefore it is recommended for planting in a temperate and harsh climate. The herbs included in the mixture are resistant to trampling. In the 1st year after planting, it grows slowly.
  • Liliput (fescue, polevole, bluegrass). It forms a low, not very dense carpet. It grows in height slowly, is resistant to drought and trampling, adapts to the climate and lighting.

By purchasing seeds or seedlings of plants that have the ability to displace weeds, you can greatly facilitate the care of the lawn without clogging your head. Before sowing them, it is necessary to choose the right grass, based on the climate, the purpose of the site. Then the lawn will not lose its freshness and attractiveness throughout the season.


Watch the video: How to Fix a Lawn Full of WEEDS - DIY Weed Control (October 2024).