Sanding the lawn: the need, timing and rules


Sanding a lawn is of great benefit along with mowing, watering, aeration and scarification. It contributes to better development of the root system of plants, helps regeneration. To achieve an effective result, it is important to perform the procedure correctly. We will figure out what kind of manipulation it is, what time and how it is carried out, how to choose sand, whether there are contraindications to the process.

Sandblasting: Description and Purpose

Sanding - coating the surface of the soil with a thick layer of sand (not more than 5 mm).

Its task is to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil.

It has the following beneficial effects:

  • improves transmittance and airiness (oxygen, liquid and nutrient mixtures
  • easier to get to the roots of plants);
  • softens the top layer on clay soils;
  • creates an optimal environment for plant growth;
  • prevents liquid stagnation in the substrate due to the porous structure of sand, as a result, the likelihood of mold, fungal infections is reduced;
  • fills voids, levels the surface of the earth;
  • makes the topsoil more elastic.

Thanks to sanding, the lawn retains an attractive appearance all season.

Lawn sanding terms

It is better to do this three times a year. The first sanding is carried out at the end of March or the beginning of April, after scarification and overseeding. The second in the summer. The third is the month of September.

If there is not enough time, the procedure should be carried out at least once a season, preferably in the second decade of August-early September or in the early autumn after aeration (airing, saturation of the earth with oxygen) and scarification (elimination of plant debris from the soil surface). Thanks to these manipulations, the soil becomes light and loose. As a result, sand penetrates unhindered to the roots. If you do not fill the voids after aeration, the procedure will not bring any result.

Lawn preparation for sanding

Preparatory activities step by step:

  1. A couple of days before the main process, water the territory, add nutrient mixtures. For example, a complex dressing of Mortar (20-40 g per 10 liters of water). This will help not to overmoisten the soil, to avoid fungus, and to reduce the stressful effect on plants as a result of sanding. The procedure is recommended to be done in cloudy weather.
  2. After two days, dry the surface layers. For large areas, garden fans (wind blowers) and whips are used to knock down dew. If the site has a small area, the manipulation can be carried out manually: sweep the broom with a soft pile.
  3. Perform verticulation (combing out felt). The essence of the procedure is to remove organic residues at a depth of 25-30 mm. In a small area, the manipulation can be done manually: comb out the lawn with a garden rake, conduct final cleaning with a turbine wind blower and a lawn brush. If the area of ​​the site is impressive, it is advisable to use special devices - scarifiers. They cut and eliminate felt, additionally loosen the ground.
  4. Sow seeds into empty areas (bald spots). It is recommended to purchase a specialized spreader so as not to trample the territory.
  5. At the last step, introduce complex mixtures in granules or calcium-containing products.

Sand for sanding the lawn

Use river sand with grains of 500-800 microns. It can be mixed with other components that perform their own tasks:

  • peat and compost enrich the earth with nutrients;
  • clay is intended for a light sandy substrate, as improves its structure;
  • chalk powdered is added to normalize the pH in too acidic soil (this replaces liming of the lawn);
  • dry mineral fertilizers have a positive effect on the development of lawn plants.

Instead of sand, zeolite is also used. It has a natural origin, mined from rocks. It has the following advantages:

  • improves the structural characteristics of the substrate, contributes to better rooting of seedlings and seedlings;
  • binds water during precipitation, gives it in dry weather;
    It is an antiseptic, due to which it prevents the occurrence of various infectious lesions;
  • favorably affects ion exchange, binds beneficial substances and, if necessary, gives to the ground.

You can prepare a sand mixture designed specifically for the lawn. It consists of fine sifted sand, ammonium sulfate, iron sulfate. The second component can be purchased at a fertilizer store. Iron sulfate is extracted from copper sulfate by drying over low heat to a grayish tint, grinding to a powder state. It is important to observe a proportion of 5: 3: 2.

Sanding process

Per 100 square meters m need about 300-500 kg of sand in its pure form or mixed with other components. Trim and dry the lawn.

Spread sand with a shovel, spread evenly with a rake. It is advisable to use specialized equipment if the territory is large. For example, gritters. These are devices with spreading discs and rotary brushes. Thanks to this technique, sand is spread more evenly.

When you do not need to sand

In all cases, sanding is not advisable. Sometimes manipulation can be harmful.

The procedure should not be done when the lawn is laid on too light sandy and dry ground or on a hill.

Too loose substrate will quickly absorb water after irrigation. This causes a lack of moisture. If you make sanding on a slope, he will "move out". As a result, you have to create a lawn again.

Summing up, we can conclude that sanding is a mandatory procedure, which greatly facilitates the preservation of the attractiveness of the lawn. It is recommended to produce it at least once a year. It should be borne in mind that manipulation can not always be done. In some cases, it will not only not be beneficial, but will also be harmful.


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