Ipomoea: species, outdoor cultivation


Ipomoea is the largest flower of the Convolvulus family. This family has more than 1000 species. The name of the plant takes its roots from Greek words, such as a worm and a passer-by, due to the peculiarities of the root system, expressed in structure.

In ancient China, morning glory seeds were used as a laxative. The geographical location of the plant is not limited, it is found practically throughout the globe. However, no matter how beautiful its flowers look, do not forget that they are poisonous.

Description and features of morning glory

Garden liana, in some cases, can grow 5 m in length. The stems are dotted with leaves in the shape of a heart. The buds are quite large, have a unique, delicate aroma.

Types and varieties of morning glory

Ipomoea is found in different colors, from white to blue, including pink and red. Flowering begins in June.


It is the most famous species of this plant. Under appropriate growing conditions, the length can be 8 m. The flowers of the plant are quite large, have a height of 7 cm, red, pink, blue, purple shades.

There is a division into ordinary flowers, and double. An abundantly flowering plant, very thermophilic, loves sunlight.


In length it can be up to 3 m. It is endowed with a three-bladed leaf shape, there is a similarity to flattened plates. The buds are medium in size, about 5 cm in.

Light blue color prevails. Less often you can see pink. Flowering - mid-summer-October.


Like the previous view, 3 m in height. Blossom from July, and delight the eye until the second month of autumn. The buds are distinguished by their decorative appearance, have high contrast colors, bright orange is found.

Most often, the shape of the bud is made in the shape of a star, the edges have a terry structure, the petals of the plant are rounded.


Quite an unusual look, compared to others. It is distinguished by finely divided, openwork foliage, the flowers have the shape of small stars. The branches of this plant easily reach 5 m in height.

In appearance it is a spectacular, aesthetic plant. The foliage is saturated green, buds are bright red.


Popularly, this species is called glorious morning. For the beautiful color of the flowers of the plant, bright blue, closer to the center, changing to light blue.

Flowering occurs in mid-summer, lasts until the first cold snap. The buds themselves are large, the diameter can be 10 cm. The plant grows to a height of 2 m in height. Very thermophilic appearance.


The type of plant that blossoms exclusively at night, at dawn, the buds close until the next period of darkness. The plant reaches a height of up to 3 m.

The flower is endowed with a beautiful, white color, in diameter up to 10 cm. Flowering occurs in mid-July, lasts until early October. A distinctive feature is the smell of almonds.


A multi-year variety of vines, however, is used as an annual, due to the climate of the countries of the treaty. The stem can grow up to 5 m.

The buds are beautiful, 10 cm circumference, arranged in groups of several. The buds are light, blue in color, at the end acquire a purple color.

Growing morning glory from seeds

Since this flower has tropical roots, for its cultivation it is necessary to choose the appropriate place, it is recommended to do this with seedlings.

Sowing seeds

Planting of seeds is carried out exclusively at the end of March, due to the climate in the CIS countries. Before planting, the seeds must be placed in warm water for 24 hours so that they swell. If over time no changes have occurred, it is necessary to pierce the shell of the seeds, lower them into water. After this, it is already possible to sow. It is necessary to sow a maximum of 3 in one pot, dropping the seeds to a depth of not more than 2 cm.

The soil is selected homogeneous, loose. After disembarkation, it is necessary to water at room temperature. After watering the pots, cups with seeds are covered with a film.

Seedling Care

The optimum temperature at which the seedlings will develop normally is + 18 ... +23 ° C.

Adequate, regular watering must be provided; the soil must be kept moist.

The appearance of the first shoots will take a week. We need to address the issue of organizing garter for plants.

Before transplanting into open soil, it is necessary to ensure regular watering, accurate loosening of the soil around the plants. If cloudy, dark weather prevails, seedlings will need lighting with phytolamps. As soon as the shoots form leaves, about 5 pieces, it is necessary to pinch the top of the plant.

This will stimulate the formation of new stems. 7 days before planting in open soil, you need to start accustoming plants to street air.

Planting seedlings in open ground

This plant is thermophilic, which means that transplantation is necessary at a time when frost has already passed, only insignificant, rare colds remain. An important aspect is the temperature of the soil, it should not be below +10 ° C.

Depending on the region, the landing is carried out from the end of May until the beginning of June.

The advantage of the southern regions is that you can plant seeds immediately in open ground, bypassing seedlings. However, large-flowered species is still recommended to be passed through this stage of development.

Technology planting morning glory in the ground

The process itself will be quite easy. The only moody preference of the plant is its cultivation in loamy soil.
An important point in landing is the choice of location. It should be lit throughout the day, and well covered from the wind. Since it can easily break the branches of a plant. It is also necessary to maintain the optimal distance between the shoots, at least 20 cm.

Caring for morning glory in the garden

Care is not difficult, it consists in regular watering of the plant, loosening the soil around, removing the weed. Plus, top dressing, pruning, prevention from pests and diseases. However, the most important point is support.

Subject to all the nuances, but the lack of garter, the plant simply does not grow to its maximum, it can even die.


Morning glory requires regular, adequate hydration. It does not tolerate drought, but there is no need to go too far with watering.

An ideal medium would be to keep the soil around the plant constantly moist. However, it is necessary to ensure that the land is wet, and not turned into dirt.

If watering is neglected, the plant gradually stops growing, but flowering may begin earlier. But the shade of the buds will be less saturated, bright.

When the flowers begin to appear on the shoots, you need to reduce moisture, allowing the soil to dry between sessions.

In order to minimize the watering process, the soil around the plant needs to be mulched. This method will allow it to retain moisture longer, thereby human intervention will be needed less often.

Top dressing

To ensure maximum growth, flowering, fertilizing should be added to the soil. For the first time, fertilizers must be applied during growth activation.

It is necessary to fear the increased intake of nitrogen in the soil, this will provoke a reduction in the appearance of flowers. According to the formation of buds, it is recommended to feed phosphorus, during the period of maximum flowering, a complex of fertilizers with potassium is added to it. To do this, you need to use fertilizers in the form of granules, sprinkle them under the stems, to a depth of at least 2 cm in the soil, and then water. However, liquid fertilizer is more effective.


Annual species have the feature of dying off at the top. They are destroying it. In the southern territories, lianas are left right in the garden, in the cold, special individual greenhouses are built for them. Pruning is carried out in September, part of the stem, infected, broken leaves are removed. Then morning glory is transplanted into a pot, transported to the greenhouse. If the plant remains in the garden during the period of frost, it is covered with spruce branches, this will protect the roots of the plant from the cold.

Propagation of morning glory by cuttings

Although the variant with seeds is the most effective, some species and varieties of morning glory require propagation using cuttings. To do this, you need to cut its stems, cut them. An important aspect in this lesson is the presence of 2 internodes, the length must be at least 15 cm. The slice is made angular, 1.5 cm under the knot. If there are leaf plates in the handle, they are cut off, then placed in water. In this condition, they must stay at least 4 days. During this time, roots will appear. Once they hatch, cuttings can be planted in the soil. In open ground, it takes at least a week to fully root. Reproduction in this way is carried out in April-early summer.

Diseases and pests of morning glory

Like all creepers, morning glory is vulnerable to a number of ailments, despite high immunity. The most common diseases are fungal infections. These include anthracnose, all kinds of rot - stem, black, white, root. There is the possibility of viruses, of which a huge number, over 20 different pieces. In addition to all this, there is a risk of a disease associated with physiology, it is called white edema.

The defeat of fungal diseases flows through the soil, this is a consequence of excessive watering of the plant, water stagnates in the soil.

Treatment is performed by cutting out the affected areas, after which healthy residues are sprayed with a fungicidal solution. But not everyone has the opportunity to cure. Most rot is fatal to the plant. Viruses are also a serious problem for the grower, as there are no 100% drugs or any means to combat them.

In case of rot or virus damage, diseased plants are simply dug out of the soil, then burned. Neighboring, healthy vines must be sprayed with a special solution.

With a physiological disease, it’s a little easier, the risk of damage is only in plants grown not in the open air, that is, in a greenhouse. The provocateurs of this ailment are low air temperature, high humidity, excessive watering. The disease is expressed in the appearance on the leaflets of cones, blisters, they are yellow, most often green. As the disease progresses, the blisters acquire a brown color. When the disease reaches the final stage of development, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and then fall off. There is no cure for this disease, since it proceeds from a violation of the rules of agricultural technology, neglect of instructions.

Mr. Summer resident informs: why morning glory does not blossom?

There are many reasons for stagnation in growth, all caused by various aspects. However, if all is well, subject to all the nuances, flowering should begin in July. If flowering is activated later than this time, or vice versa earlier, this is normal. Deviations in time are the norm, within 10-15 days.

If the creeper is regularly inspected for diseases, viruses and pests, and the flowering period begins to delay by more than half a month, you need to start looking for the cause of the problem.

  • The first cause of stagnation may be nitrogen fertilizer. It is necessary to use such an amount of top dressing that the soil has the optimal content of this substance, if it is more or less than the norm, this can easily lead to stagnation.
  • The second reason is the issue of watering. Here the situation is exactly the same. It is necessary to maintain optimal soil moisture, in case of lack of water, the plant will begin to wilt, as a result of which this can lead to death. From an excess of moisture, a fungal disease can form, which can lead to the clipping of most of the plant, and those who are planted nearby can also become infected.
  • The third reason is the failure to comply with the rules of planting morning glory in open ground. If the plant was planted later than the required time, then the process of growth and flowering can be seriously delayed, and by the onset of frost it may not end at all. Which will lead to a waste of time, since the plant is likely to die without ever blooming.

All these reasons are not critical, at the first signs of stagnation in growth, you must immediately determine where it lies. After which, the situation is easily corrected. In the case of an excess or lack of nitrogen, all kinds of indicators that are sold in specialized flower shops will help. The situation with excess, lack of moisture is just as easily corrected. Depending on the stage of growth, it is necessary to focus on soil moisture, leaving its top layer always slightly moist.

In case of late planting in the soil, doing nothing is unnecessary. Moreover, use any top dressing, supposedly significantly accelerating growth. This will add another problem. You just need to give more time Ipomoea, if you do not have time to bloom before frost, transplanted into a separate pot, and placed in a greenhouse. This will allow the growth to end in favorable conditions for it, even if it is already mid-autumn on the street.


Watch the video: Ipomoea Convolvulacaea (October 2024).