Carnation: species, garden and home care


Carnation is a genus of flowering plants from the Carnation family. A beautiful herbaceous perennial flower, refers to both wild and garden.

The name was received thanks to 2 Greek words meaning deity and flower. In ancient language it is translated as “Divine flower”.

Carnation Feature

The structure of the roots directly depends on the type of planted plant. They are divided into 3 core types:

  • deep germination;
  • ramified;
  • fibrous.

This flower has the possibility of the simultaneous development of vegetative and flowering shoots, while they have distinctive knotty thickenings. Leaves located on the stem can be of several types: linear, linear-lanceolate, awl-shaped.

In old instances of cloves, the so-called lignification, completely of the lower parts of the stem, is visible, because of this it becomes similar to a bush.

On the stem is 1 flower, consisting of 5 petals. The petal plate is horizontal, serrated, or with a fringed outer edge. However, there are varieties that violate these rules. For example, they have several flowers at once, which are collected in inflorescences. The color is diverse, from red to lavender. Some varieties can have unusual shades, such as orange, green, purple.

In almost all types of carnations, the base of the stem is covered with thin, small hairs. This is a natural pest protection.

There are unusual cloves such as terry and semi-terry. They differ significantly from the usual in their appearance.

Types and varieties of carnations

There are a lot of species of this plant, each of which is divided into varieties, those in turn are almost 100% unique, having only some signs of similarity between themselves.


Belongs to a number of perennial plants. Stem height up to 25 cm. With growth, bush-like bushes are formed. Most popular in the highlands of Austria. It has long, narrow leaves that are painted green.

The flowers themselves are large, have a beautiful color - lilac, purple, red, raspberry. At the edges, the petals are, as it were, cut, the surface has a corrugated structure. In wild conditions, the flowering time falls in mid-summer. At home, you can get a second one at the end of summer.


The plant is grassy, ​​the stems have a lowered shape, however, they reach a height of up to 50 cm. Under natural conditions, this species can be found on forest edges. The leaves have an elongated shape, green color, length up to 10.6 cm.

The flower consists of 5 petals of pink color, which in turn are covered with a small speck of white dots. They are found in 2 species, alone and in inflorescences. Most popularly used as an ornamental plant.


Perennial, medium height - up to 50 cm in length. Most common in the European part of Russia, often found in Crimea.

The stem has a gray-green color, linear leaves. The flower is a purple hue, has a delicate aroma. Flowering of this variety occurs in mid-summer.


A popular type of garden cloves. It belongs to the perennial group. Abundant flowering is observed in the second year after planting in the ground.

This species, in turn, is subdivided into 2 more in the form of flowers: ordinary and double. The diameter of both is no more than 6 cm. The leaves located on the stem are narrow, pinnate.

Needle (needle)

Flowers grow individually on a thin, high stem, and can also be collected in inflorescences, up to 4 pieces.

They have a pale white shade of petals. It got its name for the sharp shape of the leaves, similar to a needle.


A knotty shoot with a minimum height of 15 cm and a maximum of 40 cm. The leaves are long and narrow, sometimes twisted. Flowers also come in 2 types - terry and simple. In the middle they are painted in purple, closer to the ends of the petals, starting in the middle - in white.

They have a very compact shape. This characteristic allows you to grow in an apartment environment, on the balcony. A distinctive feature of this species is the almost complete absence of smell in the flowers. They are found individually, also in inflorescences of 4 pieces.


Shrub perennial. One of a kind plant among carnations, with a yellow color of flowers.

This species is more common, but it also happens with white buds.


It got its name for the habitat in which it was first discovered. In terms of soil, it prefers sandy soil. Shoots up to 40 cm long.

The flowers are pale pink in size, 3.5 cm in size. The edges of the buds are edged with unusual fringe.


A rather frost-resistant, unpretentious kind of flower, for growth prefers meadows, forest edges. It occurs on the coasts of the sea.

Individual specimens can easily reach a height of 50 cm. When growing, it forms a loose bush with unusual fragrant buds. Blooms twice during the summer, at the beginning, and at the end.


Best known as Dutch. Has lush, fast-growing bushes. The flowers are large, on fairly long legs.

It occurs in the form of solitary and inflorescences, most often in 2 variants. A distinctive feature is the possibility of year-round cultivation in pots, at home.


The stem is very thin, with an average height of about 40 cm. The natural color of the flowers of this variety is pink, carmine.

Sometimes found in white buds. Less commonly, with drawings on the petals. Such are considered very rare and are especially appreciated.


The most culturally common type of flower. Refers to a group of two year olds by life. Shoots reach a height of 65 cm.

Thyroid inflorescences are a collection of beautiful flowers, which, moreover, have a wonderful aroma.


There are also bush types of cloves, this one is one of them. The root system is much better developed than other species of this plant. The stem is knotty, can reach 60 cm in height. The flowers growing at the top are very large.

In diameter, they can grow up to 7 cm. They have a bright white color. There are also instances of pink, yellow, red flowers.

The most popular annual species are due to their unpretentiousness compared to perennial ones. In addition, for such varieties you do not need to create shelter for the winter.

Features of caring and growing carnations in the open ground

Like all cultivated plants, cloves require regular weed harvesting, watering, and fertilizer. It is imperative to remove wilted flowers, while leaving a stem no longer than 10 cm. Those varieties that have a thin and long stem should be tied to a support.

Care depends on the cultivated species, the conditions for its growth, climatic and territorial features. All varieties give preference to sunny patches of soil, but grow well in twilight conditions. However, the flower size, brightness and saturation of the color of the petals depend on this, almost all species prefer slightly alkaline, moderately fertilized soil.

An important role is played by the degree of soil moisture; you need to carefully monitor this. Excessive - poorly affect growth.

Species and varieties that are not immune to low temperatures, soil frosts, with the onset of autumn need to be covered. Do it as follows. Around the flower, boards are installed, forming a tube, inside which the flower should be. Next, sawdust and fallen leaves are placed inside, this is necessary to warm the plant in the winter, an impromptu blanket. After which the design is covered with a film.

Reactivates very well. Experienced gardeners recommend compost or manure as fertilizer.

After completing the flowering process, it is necessary to cut the stem. In this matter, it is important that the distance from the ground to the cut is not less than 15 cm. Immediately after this operation, the soil around is fertilized, loosened and watered. About a month after the procedure, a new shoot forms, repeated flowering begins.

Carnation propagation and care at home

Subject to all the nuances and features, cloves can easily live for 6 years, even at home.

For room planting of this plant, a method of reproduction using seeds is perfect. It is the simplest and most common. In addition, at home there is absolutely no need for seedlings, because the seeds are planted immediately in a flower pot, where then a beautiful, fragrant flower will grow.

The time for sowing seeds is strictly February-March, this is done so that the appearance of the first flowers is closer to the beginning of summer. A special substrate is prepared for sowing, it consists of several parts: turf and leaf land, peat, sand. All this mixes in 2: 1: 1: 1 proportions. In order to protect the plant from infection with various diseases, pests, the prepared mixture is disinfected.

A hot potassium permanganate solution is perfect for these purposes. The mixture is watered with a solution in advance. At the very bottom of the pot, drainage is laid. This is due to the fact that the plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the soil. The number of seeds planted depends on the type of container where they are going to be placed. If you plan to grow in a pot, 2-3 seeds will be enough. If in the container, there it is necessary to make the density less, providing a distance of at least 20 cm between the seeds.

Seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of approximately 0.3 mm. Then watered, but only through a special nozzle for spraying. This is done in order not to deepen the grains in the soil, and not to erode them. To ensure growth, a container with seeds is placed where the temperature will not be lower, but not higher than +24 ° C. To achieve the desired number, they cover something with a container.

Caring for cloves, which is grown indoors, is much easier than caring for a plant in open ground. Necessary minimum: regular loosening of the soil, top dressing and cutting.

At the end of the flowering period, the inflorescences are cut off along with the top of the stem. Due to this, after a while, the carnation will be able to bloom again, delight its graceful species of domestic inhabitants.

Since she is not a supporter of excessive watering and dampness, it is not recommended to place flower pots in rooms with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom. You need to install the pot in a well-ventilated area. Watering should be done only when the topsoil has dried up by about 10 mm. It is impossible to spray a plant, this will adversely affect its growth.

It is also possible to feed indoor cloves, because this will allow the plant to grow faster and stronger. The first top dressing by irrigation is performed as soon as the stem has grown to a height of at least 9 cm. The second is based on the formation of buds.

Carnations are propagated mainly by the technique of cuttings, that is, the separation of the flower from the bush. The method is universal. They can increase almost all perennial carnations. For planting, sand or perlite is required. The planting process itself occurs in late spring, early summer. This is explained by the fact that during this period of time the shoots become most noticeable. After that, they can no longer be confused with peduncles.

The stems are the most suitable part of the plant for this method, and their length should be at least 5 cm. Strictly observe the number of leaves on the stem - at least 3. After that, the extra 2 nodes are removed. Then an incision is made slightly below the location of the shoot. The depth of cut is very important, it should be exactly 1/3 of the diameter of the stem. Further, the cuttings are placed in the soil prepared for planting. All this construction opens in the summer.

However, for example, the Turkish species of carnations can be easily propagated by dividing the bush. This should be done in early spring, if everything is done right, flowering will begin in the summer.

Varieties with long shoots are recommended to propagate by layering. This is done as follows: first make an incision from the bottom of the stem - up, to a depth of about 1/3 of the stem. After that, part with a cut is pinched to the soil, sand is poured on top of it, then watering is done. When new growths appear, the plant will need to be separated and planted.

Reproduction using seeds is relevant only for annual varieties of this plant.

Planting cloves is recommended towards the end of spring. As a container, pots filled with sand are perfect. The temperature most favorable for the plant should not exceed + 20 ° C. Transplant seedlings must be strictly after 4 pairs of leaves appear.

Diseases and pests of cloves

Cloves suffer from diseases and pests. There are no flowers with perfect immunity, due to the continuous development of fungi and viruses. Unfortunately, there is no universal remedy for illnesses either. Even the indoor version of the flower has a serious chance of getting the disease. These include fungal root rot. In order for the plant not to get sick with it, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis. It consists in regular and dosed irrigation, properly composed drainage of the flower container.

If it was still not possible to save from the disease, it is not possible to cure it. The only thing left is to uproot and destroy. Then the ground in which there was a sick flower needs to be treated with a fungicidal solution for gardening. This can be purchased at any specialized store.

Much less often than in open ground, but still found - heterosporiosis. This is also a fungus, and also a tick-borne defeat of the plant. Prevention and treatment are the same. After uprooting, the soil must also be treated with a special solution.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: clove - medicinal properties, application

Cloves have long been used in folk medicine. The list of its useful properties is wide:

  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic property;
  • antivirus property;
  • diuretic effect;
  • disinfection.

However, there are contraindications for the use of this plant. It can not be used to treat children under the age of 2 years. It is highly recommended not to use for people with high blood pressure, gastritis, pregnant women. It is worth to refrain from use in the presence of syndromes of overwork, tension.


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