Chistets or stakhis: planting and care in the garden


Stachis or chistets is a perennial herbaceous plant, the family Iasnatkovye. There are several annual species and shrubs.

The decorative variety is Byzantine Chistec or wool stachis. Due to the strong pubescence, its stems and leaves have a silver color.

In the wild, woolly cleaner grows in Turkey, Iran, Armenia, Crimea, in the North Caucasus. As a decorative garden variety is found in all regions of Russia.

Biological features of stachis

Chistec is common on all continents except Australia. There are more than 300 species. About 50 species grow in different regions of Russia.

Height about 1 meter, a characteristic feature - pubescent leaves. The form is different - heart-shaped, jagged, oval.

In Latin, "stahis" means "spike". Inflorescences of stachis are collected in an ear. The flowers are small, bell-shaped, pink, purple, lilac, purple, yellow and white.

Flowering from May to August. Fruits in the shape of a nut.

Planting and methods of reproduction

There are edible varieties. For example, Chistek Chinese artichoke is cultivated as a vegetable crop in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and is used in the culinary of France and Belgium. He has a very distant relationship to this artichoke.

Its edible tubers of mother-of-pearl color have a bizarre spiral shape, reminiscent of an elongated shell or cocoon of an insect. This is a low-calorie product, soups, side dishes are prepared from it, pickled.

Landing can be carried out in the spring or in the winter, as it is cold-resistant. For this, tubers are used, grown as an annual.

Stachis Chinese artichoke is a high-yielding crop with one hundredths of a land you can get 20-25 kg of root crops. This despite the fact that the tubers are very small, each weighing no more than 7 grams. Each bush grows more than 100 fruits.

The period of active growth lasts 130-150 days. They are planted in furrows to a depth of 5 cm, between furrows - 60 cm, between plants in rows - 20 cm.

Large tubers are selected for reproduction, and a high yield can be obtained from them. Before planting, they are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried in air.

Caring for a Chinese artichoke is similar to the cultivation of potatoes that is common in central Russia. During the ripening period, hilling is carried out after two weeks, only 3 times.

Harvested in the second half of September, for which they undermine the bushes and pick tubers. Immediately after, you can plant in the winter.

Chistets decorative reproduces very easily - by simple division. They dig out several processes and plant them. They will grow very quickly.

You can plant in spring and summer. It is impossible on arid cloudless days. He does not respond well to the heat, and he does not need additional stress in the form of a transplant at this time.

Perfectly propagated by seeds. Seedlings are grown from them in boxes suitable for these purposes, dive in the stage of two full leaves and, under favorable conditions, mature plants are transplanted to a stationary place at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Stachis Care: Feeding and Fertilizing

Chistets is picky. It should only be weeded and watered occasionally. The culture grows poorly in acidic soil. He does not like open sunny places and excessive watering. Therefore, planting a cleaner is best in shaded areas with loose soil.

It is better to feed the poor earth with complex fertilizer.

Winters without problems. In exceptional cases, when it is predicted that a frosty and snowless winter is expected, the soil is mulched or covered with covering material.

Diseases and Pests

Harmful insects stachis are not afraid, they avoid this plant.

It can only suffer from fungi and rot. Therefore, watering should be controlled and stagnation of excess water at the roots should not be allowed. Chistets is not recommended for cultivation in lowland, wetlands.

Landscape application

Stachis - sheep’s ears, woolly, Byzantine cleaner - different names for one decorative species.

Its leaves are almost white due to the thick pile, soft, like the skin of a furry animal, look very advantageous in ordinary flower beds.

There are erect, about 60 cm high, there are types creeping with a carpet. Low-growing varieties are good as borders along paths.

Stakhis is beautiful on an alpine hill and landscapes reminiscent of its homeland - the mountain slopes of China.

Peduncles are cut immediately after the appearance, since they do not represent great decorative value. Pruning is quite calmly tolerated by the plant.

The exception is the Chistye monje (stachys monieri hummelo). Its beautiful purplish-red inflorescences look very beautiful in garden compositions and are appreciated for a long flowering period.

It goes well with hosta, milkweed, cypress and other decorative leafy.

Mr. Summer resident advises: stachis storage after harvest

Store the crop in a cool, dry, dark place - cellar, basement, closet, garage. You can, like other root vegetables, in the ground, fill it with sand or sawdust. So they will remain juicy and crispy.

Both fresh and dried fruits benefit. Stachis is dried on a baking sheet at +60 ° C, then crushed, and the powder is used as a seasoning for various dishes.

Therapeutic properties, use and contraindications of stachis

Herbal preparations based on Chistecis forest are recognized as official medicine and are prescribed in gynecology, postpartum therapy.

Stachis has a pronounced sedative effect. Its soothing characteristics are superior to motherwort.

Chistets swamp and pharmacy are used as a choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent, the latter also has an antitoxic effect.

Chinese artichoke is indicated for patients with diabetes, since it does not contain starch at all. It favorably affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

When deciding on the introduction of stachis in the diet, it should be borne in mind that this product is specific and not typical for central Russia.

It has contraindications, can cause individual intolerance to the body. With caution, it should be introduced into the diet for allergy sufferers, children, pregnant and lactating mothers.


Watch the video: Чистец лекарственный Пинки stachys чистец Пинки обзор: как сажать саженцы чистеца Пинки (September 2024).