Gardenia: description, landing, care


Gardenia is a genus of evergreen shrubs or small trees from the Marenov family. Homeland is Japan, China, India. Widespread in the tropics of South Africa.

It got its name in honor of the British botanist and doctor, a native of Scotland - Alexander Garden. Has a middle name - Cape Jasmine.

Gardenia Description

Plants have a sprawling tree-like stem. Glossy, roundly elongated leaves are oppositely located on bare or lowered shoots. Flowers are lonely, double, delicate colors of white, pink and yellow. Their diameter is 5-10 cm. Blooming is quick and short-lived (3-5 days), accompanied by a fragrant aroma. With proper care, it will be in bloom from early spring to mid-autumn.

Types and varieties of gardenia for the home

There are over 250 natural varieties of gardenia.

Mostly flower growers use the following types:

JasmineThe height of the bush is 50-60 cm, it is widely used as indoor. Pretty moody.Dark, shiny, fairly large 10 cm.White, terry 5-7 cm, arrangement in inflorescences is possible. They have a pleasant aroma.
Ample colorAbout 70 cm. Fine pottery culture.Light, small about 5 cm.Camelliform 7-8 cm snow-white, plentifully located, strongly smelling.
Radikans30-60 cm. Used as a bonsai.Pointed, resembling a bay leaf about 3 cm.Fragrant 2.5-5cm.
Citriodora30-50 cm. Grown in containers at home.Glossy, elongated-rounded, with pronounced veins, slightly wavy, deep dark green in color.Miniature 2 cm, lemon shade five-petalled, with an orange smell.

Jasmine is most in demand.

Breeders have developed improved varieties:

GradeDistinctive features
Four SeasonsThere are double flowers on the bush.
MysteryVery long flowering, perhaps twice a year.
August BeautyIt grows to 1 m.
FortuneGiant leaves 18 cm and buds 10 cm.

Cape Jasmine Home Care

Gardenia is a rather capricious plant, but if you follow the rules of care at home, you can achieve a beautiful bush, long and plentifully flowering.

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingA well-lit window without direct sunlight. In the south they shade, in the north they fill out. Do not allow drafts.
Temperature+ 18 ... +24 ° C.+ 16 ... +18 ° C.
Humidity70-80%. Often sprayed, placed on a pallet with wet moss or expanded clay.60-70%. Reduce spraying.
WateringAbundant, without stagnation of water. As the top layer dries.Moderate, 2-3 days after drying of the soil from above. In winter, the minimum.
Top dressingFertilizers for flowering 2 times a month, without calcium, the proportions of chlorine and nitrogen are minimal. In the formation of flowers - preparations containing iron.Stop it.
The soilComposition: turf, leaf, coniferous land, sand, peat (1: 1: 1: 1: 1) with the addition of coconut fiber or soil for azaleas.

Gardenia growing rules:

  • In order not to fall leaves and buds observe watering, high humidity.
  • Spray with a fine spray, with a frequency directly dependent on the conditions of detention: dry stuffy - often; cold wet - rarely.
  • If there is no flowering, provide additional lighting.
  • They arrange a flower bath, once a week for 3-4 hours, before budding: place it next to a bathtub filled with hot water.
  • If the buds are not opened for a long time, they are watered with warm filtered water under the root.
  • To stimulate the formation of new shoots, wilted flowers are removed on time.
  • To create a lush bush, pinch the plant and cut.
  • Do not move or turn over.
  • Do not allow sudden changes in temperature.
  • For better absorption of mineral fertilizers, the soil is acidified: once a month they are watered with water, flavored with a weak solution of citric acid.
  • The transplantation of young plants is carried out by transshipment, annually at the end of flowering. Old - after 3-4 years, not freeing the roots from the ground, but only adding new soil.

Gardenia propagation

Propagate the flower from January to March or from June to September.

The best way is grafting:

  • Cut green-brown (semi-woody) cuttings of 10-15 cm.
  • They are treated with a root stimulant (Kornevin).
  • They are placed in peat with moss sphagnum.
  • Humidify, create greenhouse conditions by covering the container with planting material with a glass cover or polyethylene.
  • Contain at a temperature of +24 ° C.
  • When the seedlings grow to 10 cm they are transplanted into separate pots by the method of transshipment so as not to damage the delicate roots.

Gardening problems, diseases and gardenia pests

ProblemsCausesRemedial measures
Yellowing, fading leaves.
  • Wrong water for irrigation (hard, cold).
  • Unsuitable substrate (acidity).
  • Low temperature content.
  • Little lighting.
  • Lack of nutrition (in particular iron).
  • It is watered and sprayed with acidified filtered soft water. Iron sulfate or iron chelate is added to it.
  • Feeding.
  • Highlight.
Blanching of leaves (chlorosis).
  • Low temperature.
  • High humidity.
  • Iron deficiency with phosphorus and calcium excess.
  • Humidify with glandular water, but reduce the amount of watering.
  • Observe the temperature regime.
Drying and falling.
  • Lack or excess of moisture.
  • Dry air.
  • Temperature differences.
  • Observe the required temperature:
  • Regularly watered and sprayed.
Lack of flower buds.Temperatures below +16 ° C or above +24 ° C.Contain at the right temperature.
Falling buds.
  • Low humidity;
  • Temperature fluctuations.
  • Lack of light.
Observe the required temperature, humidity and lighting.
Fungal diseases.
  • High humidity.
  • Fever.
  • A minimum of light.
  • The affected parts are removed.
  • They are treated with fungicides (Fundazol, Oksikhom).
Pests (leaf aphids, spider mites, scale insects).
  • Lack of moisture with too warm a place and nutrition.
They are sprayed with folk remedies: infusions of nettle, garlic, burdock and others. A solution of laundry soap for gardenia is not used. Or insecticides (Aktara, Actellik).


Watch the video: Gardenia Hotel - Amman, Jordan - Awesome place! (October 2024).