Growing pineapple at home


Pineapple belongs to the Bromeliad family, it is the only edible fruit. Originally from Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil. Includes 8 species that grow in nature and are grown in greenhouses as an ornamental plant. Pineapples were brought to Holland in the 16th century, then exotic fruits spread throughout Europe, two centuries later appeared in Russia. The pulp of the fetus contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for humans.

Pineapple description

Pineapple - perennial, during the growing season forms dense fleshy leaves collected by a rosette. Its leaves are succulents, they are able to accumulate moisture in the tissues. From 30 to 100 cm long. A dense, massive stem grows from a basal rosette. The peduncle is formed at the apex, up to 50 cm long. The flowers are spike-like; when ripened, a rosette with bracts appears on the apex. The flowering period of an adult plant 3-4 years old begins from May to July. Fruits weighing up to 5 kg, juicy, sweet and sour, look like a large golden coniferous cone with a bunch of short leaves at the top. The root system is weak, 30 cm deep.

Features and types of homemade pineapple

Under natural conditions, the plant reaches a meter height, with a diameter of two meters. The room grows only up to 70 cm. Adapted species:

BractMeter-long leaves, curved, bright green, on the surface of their white, yellow stripes. When they fade in the sun, they turn pink, red. A tri-color look is popular in indoor floriculture.
Large-domedLinear leaves grow up to a meter, arranged in a spiral, form a spike-shaped inflorescence. The color of the flowers is purple, pink, red.
DwarfDark green, narrow leaves, serrated at the edges, pointed at the end up to 30 cm. Only for decorative cultivation.
Shiny (black)Long leaves dark at the edges with red, brown, bright green shades in the middle.
ChampakaSharp, serrate leaves with conical inflorescences of pink color.
DecorativeBeautiful in appearance with bright bracts and variegated leaves of red hues.
KaenaUp to 30 cm high, on a short stalk, edible fruits up to 5 kg in the shape of a cylinder. Leaves are not prickly, without thorns.
SagenariaTwo-meter leaves, bright red fruits.
MD-2Hybrid, with sweet tasty fruits, resistant to diseases and pests. Distributed on the shelves due to long-term storage.
MauritiusIt has excellent taste.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The easiest way to grow pineapple at home is from a crown or rosette of leaves. To plant a plant, use a ripe fruit, without signs of disease and pests. The leaves should be green without yellow and brown spots, and the skin is golden brown, hard to the touch.

It is not recommended to take fruit purchased in winter, preferably in summer or early fall.

Preparation of material for landing from the top step by step:

  • Gently cut it with a sharp knife, without touching the core or twist it smoothly along the axis.
  • They clean the remaining pulp with a knife.
  • Lower leaves are removed.
  • The cut is treated with charcoal.
  • The cut part is placed vertically for drying for two weeks.
  • Subsequently, they are placed in a container with water or with prepared soil.
  • Dishes with water should be dark, place the top 3-4 cm, not completely.
  • After forming the roots, put on a paper towel so that it dries.

After the actions taken, they are planted in loose and nutritious soil.

Pineapple planting

To plant a houseplant, a pot with a diameter of 14 cm is selected, a drainage layer is laid on the bottom. Acquire soil for palm plants. Sometimes they cook themselves: sand, humus, evenly divided sheet land. The earth is pre-steamed or treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Planted in moist soil, leave 2 cm to the edge of the container. Cover with a film.

After two months, rooting occurs. This time the earth is only sprayed. The formation of young leaves indicates that the plant has taken root. Old, dried up are removed. The capacity is placed in a bright place. It is watered so that water is in the funnel from the leaves. Two years later, waiting for flowering.

Pineapple Care at Home

Indoor for breeding pineapple create a special care.

ParametersSpring SummerWinter autumn
Temperature+ 22 ... +25 ° С.+ 18 ... +20 ° С.
LightingBright, on the southeast windowsill.Daylight hours up to 10 hours, additional illumination.
WateringAbundant, after drying out the soil, warm water +30 ° C.Moderate once a week.
SprayingA regular, warm shower.Not required.
FertilizersOnce every two weeks with an organic mixture or mullein infusion.Not needed.

Pineapple pruning is not required; old, dried leaves are periodically removed with sharp scissors without touching healthy tissues. A young plant is transplanted every year, and an adult - if the capacity has become small and the roots go outside. Do it by the pass method.

How to stimulate flowering

If after several years the plant does not bloom - the process is accelerated using calcium carbide, which releases ethylene. A tablespoon is insisted for a day in a closed glass bowl, then filtered. The leaf outlet is poured with the resulting solution of 50 g for a week. After a month and a half, a peduncle usually appears. If the plant has not bloomed, it has not reached the time of maturity.

Other ways - put a bag of apples in a bowl with pineapple or smoke once a week: smoldering paper, a smoking cigarette are left nearby, and the plant is covered. There are four procedures per month.

Propagation of indoor pineapple

After fruiting, the plant dies, this can happen in a few years. During this time, lateral processes are formed, they are seated separately. They bloom before the top. Cut off or break off shoots from the mother's outlet when they grow to 20 cm. Sprinkle the places of cuts with wood ash. After drying, planted.

For the soil, a layered version is recommended: turf soil, leaf humus, river sand. Soil temperature + 24 ° С. After planting, they are covered so that the film does not touch the leaves (for this they put supports).

Seeding is not an easy way to reproduce. First, they are extracted from ripe pulp. A semicircular seed of 3-4 cm in length, brown or reddish, is suitable for germination. Washed in manganese, dried. For a day they put it on a damp napkin, cover the second, put in heat for germination. Sown in soil from sheet soil, peat and sand taken equally by 1.5 cm. Cover with a film. Light is provided by bright, air is warm and humid, watering is regular. Systematically ventilate. Seeds germinate for a long time, from 2 to 6 months. After the emergence of sprouts and the formation of the third leaf, fertilize with bird droppings (a teaspoon per liter of water). Dive when reaching 6 cm of growth.

Diseases, pests, problems in the care of indoor pineapple

Pests almost do not attack the plant under all conditions of care:

Slow growth.Cold air in the room.Rearrange in a warm place, watered with heated water.
The root system rots.High humidity and cold.Reduce watering, treat the soil with a solution of kalbofos.
The tips of the leaves dry.Low humidity.Sprayed more often, put moisturizers.
Mold on the walls of the pot and in the soil.Abundant watering in the winter.Remove mold, reduce watering.
Light spots on the leaves.The pest is a false shield.Treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
White discharge on the leaves, slow growth.Mealybug.Spray with a soapy solution.
Yellowing, falling leaves.Aphid.Processed by Actellic.
Spider web on the leaves.Spider mite.Apply insecticides.


Watch the video: How to Grow Pineapples at Home Fast n Easy (October 2024).