Summer mushrooms and their differences from false


Belonging to the Strofariyev family, summer mushrooms belong to the category of edible mushrooms. They are distinguished by good taste, and you can collect a lot without leaving the place, because these are "family" mushrooms (they do not grow individually, but are found in large colonies). They are summer because they appear in the summer, in July-August.


  • mushrooms are convex in young, flat in old, with a light tubercle in the center;
  • diameter 2.0-7.5 cm;
  • if the weather is dry, then honey-yellow, and if wet, then brown, translucent and watery at the edges, characteristic circles appear near the tubercle;
  • grooves are visible at the edges.
SkinMucous, darker near the edges.
RecordsYoung mushrooms are beige, and old mushrooms are almost brown.
  • slightly yellowish, tender;
  • It has a pronounced pleasant aroma of wood.
  • height is up to 8 cm, diameter is 5 mm;
  • covered with small scales, darker near the ground, and brightens closer to the hat;
  • in young mushrooms, a thin skirt is clearly visible, then it turns brown with spores and often disappears altogether.

Dangerous double

Summer mushrooms can be confused with similar mushrooms. The price of the error can be different: in some cases, you can get a slightly edible dish, in others - serious poisoning. The worst thing is to collect the edged mushrooms instead of edible mushrooms.

Galerina edged

Galerina edged (Galerina marginata) is a deadly poisonous mushroom. It contains the same poison as pale toadstool (amanitin). It does not act immediately, but almost always the poisoning ends tragically. It grows everywhere in coniferous forests from May to severe frosts. On deciduous trees, galerinus is not found.

The red cap is up to 4-5 cm in size, conical, with time it becomes flat, in its center a tubercle. In dry weather, the hat brightens, becoming pale yellow. On the leg whitish plaque.

At the honey agaric
  • there are scales on the leg;
  • the color of the cap varies in the center and around the edges.
At the gallery
  • no scales on the leg;
  • the color of the hat is uniform.

Honey mushrooms grow in groups, and galerina one by one or 2-3 mushrooms. Among honey agarics, a single galerina can grow, therefore, special care is required when collecting them.

Gray False Foam

Gray false foam occurs in deciduous forests, the hat has a greenish tint.

Foamy Sulfur Yellow

This mushroom has a sulfur-yellow hat, darkening to the center until brown. The pulp is yellow with an unpleasant odor. The leg is flat, hollow inside, without a cuff and scales. 2-6 hours after eating, vomiting begins, clouding of consciousness, sweating. Not deadly, but very unpleasant.

Other doubles

There are several mushrooms similar to honey agarics, but noticeably poisonous, among them:

  • false red brick red - not toxic.
  • most flakes, which are often confused with honey mushrooms, are edible, but similar to rubber.

Where and when do summer mushrooms grow?

Summer mushrooms grow in moist deciduous or mixed forests. Their favorite places are rotten stumps, rotten wood, clearings near lakes, and in mountainous areas you can find them on coniferous trees. Harvest plentiful and friendly.

This honey agaric is also called linden, since it is most often found on linden. Often you can find huge colonies of up to hundreds of mushrooms that have stuck around an old stump.

When searching for summer mushrooms, you should not be limited only to stumps; they can also be found next to some shrubs, in meadows and forest edges.

They are found in temperate and warm latitudes almost everywhere, except for permafrost. In the south they can bear fruit all year, and in the more northern regions from April-May to October. The height of the mushroom stew covers the middle of July and the whole of August.

How to collect summer mushrooms?

Gather these mushrooms carefully by cutting with a knife, leaving the old ones. In this case, avoid places near fields, highways and landfills. Fungi like a sponge absorb not only useful, but also toxic substances: pesticides, heavy metals, including mercury, lead, radioactive isotopes.

Honey mushrooms should not be collected in city parks or squares. From busy roads it is better to move no less than a kilometer away.

Benefits - nutrition, vitamins and minerals, calories

The energy value of 100 g of summer mushrooms is very low, only 17-22 kcal, so they are included in all kinds of diets and consumed during fasting.

Nutrition value of 100 g of fresh summer mushrooms:

  • water 90 g;
  • proteins 2.3 g;
  • fats 1.1 g;
  • carbohydrates 0.6 g;
  • dietary fiber 5.1 mg% (25.5 daily rate).

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin PP 10.3 mg% (53.5
  • Vitamin B1 0.11-1.45 mg% (31.2%);
  • vitamin B2 0.2-0.4 mg% (22.7%);
  • Vitamin C 11.1 mg% (12.2%).


  • potassium 400.0 mg% (16%);
  • magnesium 20 mg% (5%);
  • phosphorus 48 mg (6.0%);
  • iron 0.78 mg (4.3%).

Trace elements:

  • copper 82-228 mcg% (16.1%);
  • nickel 47.0 μg% (31.2%);
  • zinc 650-1470 mcg% (9.1%);
  • chromium 5.4-26.0 μg% (31.7%).

Honey mushrooms improve heart function and metabolism and inhibit the development of cancer cells.


Contraindications for use are:

  • acute gastritis, ulcer;
  • cholecystitis;
  • colitis;
  • children under 7 years old.


Honey mushrooms are delicious and fragrant mushrooms, but it must be remembered that they can be stewed, fried, put in soup only after preliminary boiling for 20 minutes, and preferably 40 and even hours,
especially if there is no confidence in the ecological virginity of the gathering places.

Instructions for use:

  1. Pre-soak for half an hour in water, sort through, cut into pieces, cutting out areas that have lost freshness. Throw out wormy mushrooms.
  2. When boiling, drain the first water with foam, pour the mushrooms with fresh water and cook further.
  3. Put mushrooms on a colander, rinse with running water, then fry or put in salad, soup or in the filling of pies and ravioli.

Honey mushrooms are pickled, salted, dried, frozen to prepare for the winter. When pickling, add horseradish, oak bark, marigold flowers to make the mushrooms strong, with a light crunch. Fill them only in a hot way.

Dried mushrooms completely retain nutrients, unlike pickled ones. Dried in a ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight and rain. The cut mushrooms are laid out on pallets covered with paper. At the same time, one must not forget to stir and turn them from time to time. Can be dried and threaded.

Proper freezing is the best way to preserve all the nutrients.


Watch the video: False Morel Mushroom Identification - Gyromitra Beefsteak Fungus (October 2024).