

Scindapsus - a flower, belongs to the family of aroid lianas. Distributed in the tropics in Southeast Asia.


A massive climbing plant, in natural conditions, can climb trees, using aerial roots, to a height of up to fifteen meters and capture vast tracts of land.
The people call scindapsus epipremnum, but there is a slight difference: the leaves of the first liana are slightly curved, like a comma, and the second - symmetrical. Otherwise, they are very similar.

Species and varieties

There is a wide variety of species of this flower: Imperial White, Regina Red, Brown Aron, Pink Chocolate, Jade, Red Spot, Godzilla and many others. But for growing in a house, the following types are most often used:

  • golden;
  • painted.


The most common variety, characterized in that gold spots are scattered on the leaves. In the light there is a sensation of overflow of yellow, green, gold, it is not for nothing that its name is among the lovers - the "golden lotus". Unpretentious, but more prone to disease than other species.

It has varieties:

  • Marble Queen - variegated silver-green, looks like marble;
  • Golden Queen - green leaf with random yellow spots;
  • Neon - bright lemon color;
  • N-Joy is a new Dutch variety, smaller than the rest, with thick stems and stiff, dense leaves with large white winding spots, usually closer to the edge.

Painted (Pictus)

Variegated appearance, leaves are more oval, dark green with various white-silver inclusions. It is quite resistant to diseases and pests. There are small growths on the stem - aerial roots, over time they turn brown and help the plant become more tenacious, collect moisture from the surrounding atmosphere.


  • Exotic - large-leaved, is distinguished by curvature of leaves, bulge of veins and silvery chaotic dots and strokes;
  • Trebi - unlike others, it tolerates shaded areas better;
  • Arguraes - with a white edging along the edge of the sheet and scattered silver-colored spots.

Home Care

This flower is unpretentious, grows well in home pots, a cache-pot. No wonder one of his nicknames is the creeper. But still, its cultivation involves observing certain rules.

Correct location

The choice of place depends on the type:

  • Variegated - better placed near a window with good diffused lighting;
  • Other species - away from the window, in moderate shade.

Capacity, soil, support

Liana should be planted in a small but wide pot with good drainage (expanded clay or small stones) and a drain hole.

Soil preparation does not require much effort. You can buy land for indoor climbing, flower crops or cook yourself.

Two ways to obtain the necessary substrate:

  1. turf land - one part, coarse sand - one part, leaf - three parts;
  2. peat, humus, soddy soil - in equal shares, sand - half the share.

The soil before planting should be shed with a non-concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

It’s good to put a support for vines.

Watering, humidity, temperature

The plant loves warmth, not heavy watering and regular hydration.


  • spring / summer - room temperature, but not higher than + 25ºС;
  • winter / autumn - temperature drop, but not lower than + 15ºС.

Does not accept drafts and temperature changes.

Watering should be carried out with warm, settled water:

  • spring / summer - every day, the substrate should remain moist, but not wet;
  • winter / fall - once or twice in seven to eight days.

It is good to soften water - 1-2 grams of citric acid (lemon juice) per liter.

Humidity increased (habitat - tropics) - regularly spray, wipe the foliage with a damp cloth.


  • Cover the substrate with the plant with moistened moss.
  • Place the pot in a pot with wet expanded clay.
  • Put a humidifier near.

Transplantation, reproduction


  • young - annually in the spring (March-April) in a large capacity;
  • an adult in two to three years.


  • cuttings - cuttings cut at the point of attachment of the leaves, about 10 cm (a little more) are cleaned of leaves, immersed for 2-3 seconds in a phytohormone product, planted in soil, then placed in a mini greenhouse (glass jar, polyethylene bag) and contain in heat not lower than + 20ºС, periodically spraying;
  • by lead - the upper part of the shoot with nodes of aerial roots (layering), not separating from the mother plant, is placed in a container with a substrate, after rooting, the shoot is cut from an adult flower, adding more soil to the pot with a young plant.

Top dressing

Fertilize the flower in the spring-summer period once every two weeks. Top dressing should be carried out with mineral fertilizers for vines. In winter is not required.

Possible diseases and pests - table

Consider the possible lesions and how to eliminate them:

DefeatCauseFight method
On the back of the leaf, small brown spots are visible.Insects - scale insect, with a brown rough shell.Remove all insects with a cloth dampened with alcohol. In the shower, using a soapy solution, wash the plant. Sprinkle the foliage with Intavir.
Silver streaks.Thrips.Treatment with the insecticide "Actellic".
Leaves begin to curl, stickiness appears.Small insects - aphids.Shower with dissolved soap. Spraying with an insecticidal solution containing permethrin.
Web pulling.Spider mite.Shower with soap. Spraying several times with an insecticide.
Stops growing.Loss of nutrients in the soil, holding capacity growth.Transplanting into a larger pot with new land.
Leaves lose their elasticity, roots and stems rot.Too plentiful watering.Transplantation using fresh soil, cutting off rotten parts, processing of sections with activated carbon powder. Compliance with watering regime.
Big brown spots.Sunburn.Remove the plant from direct sunlight.
Pallor, stretching.Light starvation.Choose a more illuminated location.
The tips of the leaves dry.Dry air.Spray more often. Put a humidifier near.
Leaves fall.Drafts, lack of sun.Choose the right place.
The leaves turn yellow.Few fertilizers.It is necessary to feed and regularly, according to the schedule, make fertilizers.

If you follow the rules for care and carefully inspect the newly purchased plant for insects, then problems with diseases and pests can be avoided

Benefit, harm, signs

Although the scindapsus does not bloom in the apartments, it very decorates the interior. Useful for cleaning indoor air.

However, the plant is poisonous, with leaf poisoning, diarrhea can occur, so keep it away from children.

The popular voice did not go around and this plant called it - a husband, "damn ivy." Prejudice - quarrels appear in the family, scindapsus drives men from home. But all this is empty talk and superstition that you should not pay attention to.


Watch the video: Scindapsus pictus 'Silvery Anne' Silver Pothos Houseplant Care 14 of 365 (October 2024).