Peperomia - home care, photos and species names


Peperomia is stupid. A photo

Peperomia (Peperomia) - undersized, ornamental foliage plant with rosettes of dense, dark green leaves on shortened, branching stems. Some varieties of the flower are decorated with bright patterns in the form of veins, borders or spots.

Succulents came to us from tropical America. Most of the varieties grow in Brazilian, Colombian, Mexican forests. Most often, they can be found in the role of epiphytes growing on trees.

Unpretentious miniature peperomia with a compact root system is ideal for a small office or office space, as well as for spacious winter gardens. Due to its modest size, up to 20 cm, it takes root well in the smallest pots and can even be planted with other plants. Some types of succulents reach 50 cm in height, for example, peperomia blunt.

The flower is perennial, the annual growth of a young plant is an average of 12 cm. But the older the plant, the smaller and more unsightly its leaves become, so many varieties need periodic pruning and updating.

The annual growth is an average of 12 cm.
Peperomia blooms from mid-spring to late summer. Inflorescences differ in their original, bizarre shape.
The plant is grown easily.

Beneficial features

Peperomia is silvery. A photo

Needs regular care. In return, it improves the atmosphere in the house, cleans the air of toxins and formaldehyde vapors, gives a good mood and well-being, creates a favorable aura, and saturates the room with oxygen. A home plant has beneficial effects on the digestive system.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Caring for a plant is not difficult. Peperomia at home is unpretentious and needs standard procedures and conditions:

TemperatureSudden swings are undesirable. In the summer period, the optimal indicator is 22-24 ° C, closure 16-18 ° C, at lower temperatures it is recommended to reduce watering.
Air humidityHumidity is not critical for a plant, but the higher it is, the better. Mandatory daily spraying.
LightingVariegated species prefer bright diffused light, the rest need partial shade. Direct sunlight affects the plant negatively.
WateringModerate as the topsoil dries. In summer, at least 3 times a month, in winter - every 2.5-3 weeks. Soft water at room temperature is suitable for hydration.
PrimingSoil should be neutral in Ph and well drained.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom late spring to early autumn, it needs specialized liquid fertilizer.
TransferPeperomy transplantation is required every spring, but the size of the pot should not be increased too much.
BreedingReproduction occurs by stem, leafy cuttings, or seeds.
Growing FeaturesThe cultivation features include plant love for heat and humidity. An ideal place would be a kitchen with no cold drafts.

How to buy peperomia

When choosing a plant to buy, you need to pay special attention to its appearance. The leaves should be juicy, resilient, bright, without powdery plaque and brown scales. A plant with drooping, sluggish leaves, given moist soil, may present problems with the root system.

Such a flower is not worth buying, it can die quickly.


Decorative foliage succulent blooms in early spring and summer. Inflorescences are not very beautiful, but they have unusual, bizarre shapes that attract the eye. In some species, they look like a golf club, in others they look like the tails of mice, and in others they look like a comb with many cloves.

The flowers included in the inflorescences are small in size and calm in color.

Temperature mode

Home peperomia is a thermophilic and shade-loving plant; it is not in vain in nature that it grows in the lower tier of the rainforest. It must be protected from sudden changes in temperature, drafts and hypothermia. Optimum performance is 16-24C.

In the summer, it is not recommended to take the flower outside, dry air and temperatures above 25ºC are fatal.


The succulent, glossy leaves of the flower quickly become dusty. So that small debris does not spoil the appearance of the plant, it must be periodically cleaned with a damp cloth, or rinsed in the shower.


The optimum moisture level for a flower is 40-60%. The lack of humidity does not threaten anything serious for the plant, but it is better not to experiment and to increase the air humidity in dry periods by periodic spraying. You can put a pot with room peperomia in pebbles and pour water there to evaporate.


Comfortable conditions for green-leaf forms of peperomia are diffused light, partial shade. In the summer, they will feel good on the windowsills of the eastern, northern and western windows. In winter, the plant needs more light, and southern windows are suitable for cultivation.

For variegated species you need brighter diffused light, but from direct sunlight, the pattern on the sheets will fade. Therefore, such varieties are grown on the south side, but put them in the light shade of other plants.

To ensure the vital activity of peperomia at home, do a flashlighting. It is necessary to extend the daylight hours to 16 hours with the help of additional artificial lighting.


Loves moisture, but is extremely sensitive to waterlogging of the soil. Too frequent watering is fraught with rotting of the roots and death of the flower. Therefore, it is better to overdry than pour. You can determine the need for watering on the soil if it has dried to a depth of 3 cm. In the warm season, the earth dries faster than in winter.

Water to moisten the soil should be several degrees warmer than indoor air.


Before planting, you should evaluate the size of the root system of peperomia. The larger it is, the larger the pot should be. It should also be borne in mind that it is recommended to fill up to 3 cm of the drainage layer at the bottom of the pot before planting.

Preference should be given to deep, high ceramic containers.

Each subsequent transplant is made so that the roots in the pot are distributed evenly and are not located close to the surface of the soil.


The choice of substrate for planting peperomia should be taken seriously. A neutral or slightly acidic soil with a level of 5 to 6.5 pH is preferred. Most finished primers on sale have a high level of acidity and are not suitable. Therefore, 250-350 g of ash or dolomite flour is added to the purchased land for every 10 liters of substrate.

You can prepare the suitable primer yourself. To do this, it is recommended to mix sand, humus and peat in the proportions 1: 1: 1 and add 2-3 parts of leafy soil.

Before planting the plant in the soil, it must be treated with pests with a weak manganese solution. At the bottom of the pot, drainage must be laid out, at least 2-3 cm.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Peperomia flower in room conditions needs constant fertilizer application. In the spring-summer period, top dressing is carried out at least 1 time in 2 weeks. Suitable specialized complex organic and mineral products for decorative and deciduous plants.

The main thing is not to exceed the proportions and dosages indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Peperomy transplant

Young plants under the age of 3 years need an annual transplant. Older flowers can withstand up to 3 years without changing the soil and pot. Some varieties withstand the lack of transplant up to 7 years.

The main criterion for the need to increase capacity is the appearance of the plant and the volume of the root system, which can grow into holes for drainage or above the surface of the soil.


Pinching the tops above the 3-5 leaf or trimming the stem after reaching a length of 18-20 cm will help to give the flower a more branched appearance. Cuttings and leaves can be rooted in water.

Can I leave without leaving on vacation?

Going on a trip, you need to take care of the flower in advance, so that later you do not have to urgently reanimate it. To make the plant feel good during the lack of proper care, put a layer of moist expanded clay on the soil, and put a tray with wet peat under the pot. From the window, peperomia is best temporarily removed to the floor.

Growing peperomia from seeds

Before planting, flower seeds do not need prolonged soaking. To accelerate germination, they are carefully cleaned of wax coating on one side and placed in warm water for 40-50 minutes. At this time, prepare the ground. At the bottom of the pot spread drainage, then a layer of soil with sphagnum. Seeds are placed in a substrate to a depth of 2-3 cm.

The capacity is left for a week in conditions of sufficient, diffuse lighting. After 7-10 days, the first sprouts appear, which should be regularly moistened. A pick can be scheduled 30 days after germination. The nearest transplant to the plant will be needed no earlier than in a year.

For planting seeds, a capacity of 8-9 cm in diameter is selected.


The division of the plant is quite simple, several types of reproduction are available.

Propagation of peperomia by cuttings

This is the most affordable and popular form of flower division. The trimmed stalk is cleaned of all leaves except the upper leaves, left to dry for 1-1.5 hours and planted for rooting in a sand-peat mixture for 1-1.5 months.

The temperature of the soil should be at least 25 ° C. Many species can be rooted in water. To do this, the stalk is placed in warm water and waiting for the formation of roots.

Reproduction of peperomia leaf

A leaf with a stalk separated from the stem by at least 1 cm is treated with root and immersed in a sand-peat mixture. From above, the container is covered with a bag and left at a temperature of 19-21 degrees under diffuse lighting.

Within 1-1.5 months, the soil is moderately moistened, and the pot is turned to the light so that new rosettes at the base of the leaf are formed evenly. Then new basal shoots are divided and planted. Their flowering is possible in the first year.

Some varieties of plants, such as silver peperomia, can reproduce in parts of leaves. The main condition is the presence of the minimum part by which the leaf was attached to the stem.

Diseases and Pests

When growing, the following problems may occur:

  • Leaves fall and fall - insufficient watering. In winter, the reason may be non-compliance with the temperature regime.
  • Petioles of leaves turn black - excess moisture.
  • Bubbling forms on the leaves - excess watering.
  • Brown leaf tips peperomia - exposure to draft or cold.
  • Leaves become sluggish in winter - excess moisture, in summer - excess light.
  • Watering leaves with sufficient watering - rotting of the roots due to overflow.

The most common pests are scale insects, thrips, mealybug, spider mites.

Types of home peperomia with photos and names

Among the whole variety of plant species, the following are most suitable for home cultivation.


Dense, fleshy, dark green leaves with short petioles. They have the shape of an ellipse or a reverse egg, the tip is blunt. The length of the sheet plate is 6-12 cm, the width is 2.5-5 cm.

Peperomia magnolia

Dense crown, leathery leaves, saturated green, similar to Magnolia leaf plates.

Shriveled Peperomia

Compact flower with wrinkled, embossed leaves. Color - dark green, with brown grooves. Attached close to each other on long petioles of a soft pink hue. It blooms in summer with snowy white spikelets.

Peperomia silver (watermelon)

Ovoid dense leaves up to 8 cm long have a green color with white, beige veins, resembling a watermelon peel. The plant is compact, grows no more than 11-13 cm.

Peperomia climbing

Ampelic appearance of a plant with oval, pointed to the tip of the leaves up to 5 cm in length. The stem has a pink hue, can curl around the support like a vine.

Peperomia Klusielistnaya

Perennial with large, dense leaf blades 14-16 cm long and 7-9 cm wide. Petioles are short, alternately attached to the stem. The leaves are dark green with a purple or red border.

Whatever kind of residence is in the apartment or office, it will certainly become a worthy decoration of the room.

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Watch the video: Common Houseplant Identification (October 2024).