Adiantum Venus hair - home care, photo


Plant photo

Adiantum Venus Hair (Adiantum cappillus-veneris) - is a plant from the fern family. Has a creeping root system with scales no more than 1 - 2 mm in length. Openwork leaves have soft segments, wedge-shaped or fan-shaped. The handle is smooth, painted black. Soruses are located along the edge of the leaves, have a transverse-oblong shape. In appearance, the adiantum plant resembles female curls, and the goddess Venus has always been the personification of femininity and beauty.

The homeland of the adiantum Venus Volos - forests of South Africa, Eurasia and Brazil, is found in the wild in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The plant does not bloom, grows to a height of 30 - 40 cm. The life of the adiantum is quite long if it receives a sufficient amount of moisture.

High growth rate. In one season, the plant doubles in growth.
Blooms in summer, with high humidity can bloom in winter
Adiantum Venus hair does not bloom

Useful properties of the adiantum

Adiantum venerein hair (Adiantum cappillus-veneris)

Maidenhair effectively moisturizes the air. Scientists have proven that the volatile elements secreted by this plant prevent the growth and reproduction of colonies of fungi that are harmful to the human body.

Adiantum saturates the airspace with biologically active substances that improve the environment and have a beneficial effect on health. Due to the function of air purification, the plant improves mood, increases working capacity and stress resistance, normalizes sleep.

Adiantum: Signs and Superstitions

Venus of hair should not be placed next to acanthus or prickly plants, since the flower will lose its main useful ability - enhancing female energy.

The best place for the adiantum is the girl’s bedroom, where he brings peace and harmony. From the center of the plant, energy vibrations move in all directions, aimed at eliminating a variety of negative factors: fear, anxiety, self-doubt.

Features of home care

Adiantum at home is unpretentious in care. It is important to provide the plant with conditions optimal for normal development and growth:

TemperatureIn the warm season: + 20º - + 25º, in cold weather: + 18º - + 20º.
Air humidityIt should be high, drainage is used, ventilation of the room.
LightingPenumbra or shadow, ideally a window facing west or north.
WateringIn summer - 3, and in winter - 1 time per week.
PrimingWeakly alkaline or neutral substrate. Pure peat is not suitable.
Fertilizer and fertilizerLiquid fertilizers (mineral alternate with organic) are applied once every 2 weeks.
TransferYoung plants - annually, old ones - as the flowerpot is filled.
BreedingDividing from the root or from the bush, in June. Spore reproduction is possible.
Growing FeaturesNegative on the state of the flower affects the permutation.

Of all the varieties of the adiantum, it is Venus hair that is the most moody in relation to air temperature. The ideal place to install the pot - window sills near the balcony door.

Care for Adiantum Venus hair at home. In detail

In order for the plant to grow normally and please the eye, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists.

Flowering adiantum

Maidenhair, like all ferns, does not bloom, reproduction is due to spores.

Temperature mode

Ideal indicators for the plant: +16 - + 20ºС, in winter they should not fall below + 10ºС. At lower temperatures, the leaves die off. The most severe damage to the home adiantum is caused by low temperature in combination with moist soil. This can lead to rotting of the rhizome.

Often the adiantum Venerin hair at home is contained in a hotter climate, so it is important to ensure complete air humidification, by any means: water containers next to the pot, special moisturizers, wet cloth on batteries.

It is forbidden to place the adiantum near the radiator. Drafts, tobacco smoke, products arising from the combustion of gas in the kitchen are harmful to ferns.

Watering the Adiantum

The flower needs regular moistening of the soil and does not tolerate its complete drying out. With a lack of water, the foliage quickly turns yellow. The best way out of this situation is to completely remove the leaves.

The soil should always be moist, but without fluid stagnation. Frequent watering is necessary indoor adiantum in the heat. With the onset of cold weather, the soil is moistened no more than 1 time per week.


The plant is sensitive to air humidity, which should not fall below 50%. Homemade adiantum Venus hair adapts well to life in room conditions and does not need regular spraying when the humidity in the room is 20%. If this indicator is lower, frequent spraying will be required; the pot is better placed on a pallet with moistened pebbles.


The plant tolerates shade and partial shade well. It is successfully grown, being in the back of the room, whose windows face west. To place the pot, eastern and northern windows are suitable. In the first case, it is necessary to protect the fern from bright sunlight.

If the adiantum experiences an excess of light, this is indicated by a loss of brightness of the leaves, and then their yellowing and drying.

Adiantum Pot

A suitable flowerpot for the adiantum should not be high, since the root system of the flower is shallow. Rhizomes cannot master large tracts of soil. Fern prefers tight pots.


The soil should be loose, able to freely pass air. A good option would be to combine the same parts of peat, leaf, turf land and sand. Venus of hair is one of the few ferns that prefer slightly alkaline or neutral soil. Peat acidifies the soil, so it is better not to use it. If it is still used, a decrease in acidity with dolomite flour will be required.

The use of drainage is a prerequisite for the maintenance of the adiantum.

Fertilizing and fertilizing adiantum

Once every 14 days, liquid fertilizers are added to the pot. It is necessary to alternate organic and mineral nutrition.

Care for the adiantum Venerin hair at home involves periodic washing in the shower, before the soil is covered with a film.

Adiantum Transplant

Fern replanted if necessary, be sure to in spring. For young plants, the procedure is repeated every 2 years, then only with strong growth, when the flowerpot becomes too cramped. It is not recommended to disturb the plant often.

When transplanting, you should act very carefully so as not to damage the fragile rhizome. Rotten roots are removed.


Only very old or damaged leaves and twigs are subject to the procedure. If the fern is withered, all your crops are cut. The remaining stem is sprayed twice a day with water. After a while, young twigs appear.

Rest period

This stage lasts from October to March. At this time, the flower Adiantum Venus hair in the room is watered once a week, but it is important to monitor the degree of moisture in the soil.

If on vacation

Before the trip, the plant is watered abundantly, a tray with moistened expanded clay is placed under the pot. The flowerpot is placed on the floor. In the summer heat, fern is able to live without watering for no more than a week. For this reason, it is better to ask relatives or neighbors to look after the plant.

Adiantum propagation by dividing the bush

Separation of the bush during transplantation is the easiest way to propagate fern. The plant is neatly divided: first the foliage, then the roots. The latter are very fragile, so you need to act slowly. When planting, the root neck does not penetrate to avoid decay.

Spore propagation

Like all ferns, the adiantum is able to reproduce with the help of spores, but this process is quite long and complicated. Spores form on the underside of the leaves of adult plants. They are collected in paper bags and dried a little. After this, the spores are spread in a thin layer on the surface of peat, which is placed in a shallow container.

The bowl is placed in the shade, covered with glass, the surface of the soil is constantly sprayed with water. A month later, moss will appear on the ground, which indicates an intermediate stage of development of fern. At this time, the formation of male and female germ cells occurs. After their fusion, young plants appear. When their height reaches 4 cm, transplantation is made into individual pots. A young adiantum is placed under the glass.

Although this method of reproduction is considered the most difficult, plants grown from spores will be the most powerful and resistant to external factors.

Diseases and Pests

The appearance of Adiantum Venus hair can be affected due to the following problems:

  1. The leaves are dry adiantum. Too dry or warm climate. Sometimes a disadvantage arises in the presence of drafts. Rearranging further from radiators will help, regular spraying.
  2. Root rot. Excessive watering.
  3. The tips of the leaves are dry adiantum. Insufficient air humidity, high temperature indicators.
  4. The leaves are pale and dull. An excess of lighting, as well as too frequent watering, stagnation of water, lack of drainage.
  5. Burns on the leaves. They arise due to exposure to bright rays of the sun.
  6. Pale leaves and slow growth. Lack of nutrients in the soil, the need for fertilizer.
  7. Stains on the leaves adiantum. Overheating, too warm air, lack of moisture, the presence of drafts.

Adiantum is extremely rarely affected by pests. This is due to the content in its leaves of special chemicals. The most common parasites are scale insects and fern aphids.

Adiantum Venus hair is an attractive houseplant resembling twisted curls. Airy bushes with delicate leaves do not require complicated care, the main condition is to maintain optimal moisture and temperature. Successfully grown at home, even by beginner growers.

Now reading:

  • Adiantum - planting, care and reproduction at home, photo species
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Watch the video: Secrets to Keeping Maidenhair Fern Alive (October 2024).